~The People of Powers!!! ~ A Journey Back Home RP~

Name: Malum (Means evil in latin)
Appearance Age: 18
Real Age: 5489302
User: Mipuppy1
Human Pic or appearance:

Evil Angel pic or appearance: like her human form but she has black hair and eyes, she wears a black dress with black wings
Mortals Form:
Name: Seth Owen
Age: 19
History: Father is the richest man in town, but Seth ran away when he was 17. He didn't want to go to college, and his father was going to make him. His dad found him but didn't make him come back; however sends Seth large sums of $$ every month. He is living in an apartment just outside of town. He owns a motorcycle, and a loyal Rottweiler.
User: Toro
He's really laid back, dangerous, mysterious, rude, doesn't really care about anything (on the outside). He is actually really smart and talented, and is an amazing painter. That's his dream , to be a painter. He likes to ride his bike to the ocean and paint for hours, or watch the sun set from his balcony. On the inside he's really sweet and caring, but it takes the right person to pull it out (so don't give up on him!).

Crush: Sakura

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