I prefer to think of it... "like an artist - working in broad and bold sweeps."

Aha...that almost makes me sound smart...rather than having the brain patterns of a pre-pubescent boy.

Normal conversation at work...

"Cindy, why are you laughing?"

"Er...can't tell you. It's not appropriate."


See, I like you. That sort of thinking leads to great things

Imagine if your answer was "Oh just the same old boring stuff."

See the difference? Laugh on, girl! :wee
What I need is a version of this that the goats won't figure out faster than the chickens!!! I have yet to see, or come up with myself a goat proof chicken feeder!

I love it!!! I want it!! NOW!!!!! If only just to stop them from throwing their food hither, thither and yon!! I swear!
There's a fifty pound bag of feed buried out there in the scratch yard right now just on account of those silly girls tossing it everywhere!! I could leave them for a week and nobody would have to feed them! Only by virtue of the resident rodent patrol (cat and dog) do I NOT have a mouse or rat problem.
I seen one just like that in a new magazine for GRIT I picked up last week. It was identical except it was metal. I think someone took this idea and ran with it. it is $195 for 20lbs and $275 for 33lbs plus shipping.

They added sides so chickys can't eat from the sides and get hurt when the other chick steps off.
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How about a grid of wire rods, 2 or 3 of them, across the feed access. This should let chickens get their head in, but not the goats?

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