The puppy and the cats, I'm frustrated.


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Our four month old GSD Jax is the most amazing dog. We've had no trouble at all training him, except he harrasses the cats to no end!
He only wants to play with them. In fact, I've seen him pick up his toys one after another and carry them to our siamese, encouraging her to play with him. When the cat doesn't respond to one toy, he drops it and brings her another. The siamese tolerates him and even plays with him until he gets too rough. When he starts biting her we tell him "kisses only!" and he usually obeys.
The other cat instigates trouble with Jax. She encourages Jax to chase her so she can turn around and smack the tar outta him.
The problem is Jax gets so wound up chasing the cats we end up sending him to his room "crate" to calm down.
Tell me he'll outgrow this stage please?!?
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Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.
I wonder if me and the cats will survive that long.
Yup, I've had the same issue with my dobes. It takes about 2 years for them to outgrow it, but that probably also depends on their maturity level.

If the cats are starting it I'd leave them to sort it out. They'll either stop, he'll stop, or they aren't really that upset with each other and the cat isn't really hitting him that hard. Our shiba puppy will pile on one of the cats and just look to be beating her up. She hisses, spits, growls, and carries on like she's dying. Reality is that as soon as the puppy is too rough for her she will make it clear she's had enough. Half the time she just runs off purposely getting the puppy to follow her until she finds a good ambush point to reach out with her paws and playfully smack the puppy like she would another cat. The puppy is even starting to paw things like a cat. Despite her rough treatment of that cat the puppy won't touch the other one. She won't even walk past that cat and we put claw covers on that one so she couldn't actually claw the puppy. The cat just makes it very obvious she is not playing even to a clueless shiba puppy.
Our puppy is in this stage as well. We have two cats, one is a bit more reclusive but the other likes to come out and harrass the puppy.

We keep the pup from playing too rough, but the cat doesn't seem to mind too much sense she comes out and harrasses the dog when she get's a mind to. We leave them to sort it out and just referee. The pup will outgrow it and the cat will avoid the dog when they realize it.


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