The RIGHT humidity by successful long time hatchers

A questions
.Is it documented the first 18 day humidity will cause some problems or could it just be the humidity during the last 3 days?
Iassume ppl have seen the first 18 cause problemes ifthe humisity is wrong. Or is it supposition?
Could it be other factors that humidity is blamed for?
Why is it the broody hens sit on the eggs and they hatch well...but I assume they dont give the eggs a higher humidity at lockdown time or do they?. Just wonder,
I incubate in my incubator in my garage but hatch in my LG's. I have them in an apartment that is in the back of the garage. No AC on.

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If the humidity is too high during the first 18 days condensation builds up in the air cell and when the chick pips the air cell it can drown. If the humidity is very low during the last 3 days the chicks can get stuck in their shell and unable to move to zip and hatch. If the humidity is extremely high then the chicks hatch out very wet. Also their growth is affected. Here is a good article.

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