The Saga of little Tammy-Lynn


Nov 22, 2015
Hi everybody,
I am new here and new to chicken keeping. I have 3 8 week old Plymouth Barred Rock pullets. Two are healthy and strong. Tammy-Lynn has crop issues.
It all started about a week ago, I went to let the girls out of the roost in their coop and Tammy had this huge, puffy lump on her right side, so big it protruded through her feathers. She was also making awkward side motions with her neck as if in pain. I rushed her to the vet who said she had and impacted crop and cleared it out, finding bits of grass (did not know young chicks shouldn't be on grass... lesson learned) and prescribed her antibiotics. and small regular feeds of damp chick crumble. These had no effect and her crop went sour and she was vomiting yucky brown sludge everywhere. Took her back to the vet and got her cleared out again and started her on nilstat (anti fungal). This seems to be helping and she was doing well on very soft food (dutch formula with damp chick crumble), pro biotics and water. However she will drink water until she vomits! She will just gulp it down and then be sick, then eat her sick.
Yesterday she snuck out (we have been keeping her separate) and manged to eat a bit of grass and also started on her bedding! while she does not have an impaction (still pooping) her crop is enlarged and doughy feeling. There is no smell from her beak she is still on the nilstat and the vet wormed her. This morning her crop was so puffy I just gave her water with some ACV which she drank again, until she vomited. I have been doing crop massage 3-4 times a day, and this seems to help for a time... but then when she feeds it blows up and wont come down again.
I know there are 1000 sour crop posts here and I have read them all! I was wondering if anyone has has sucess with such a young bird?
I dont want to give up as she is bright and happy and oh so cute, if not a little on the lean side compared to her sisters. She is keen to eat and never really lost her appetite like so many birds mentioned on the forum have.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Kia ora from New Zealand
Maybe try giving her oregano oil;;;it is anti bacterial and anti has worked for my chickens and I have been amazed at the outcome for some that I did not think would survive...try and Google it...certainly worth a try....

Good Luck!
Hi and thanks, do you use oregano essential oil? And how much do you give/how?Y
Yes...I give essential oregano oil...7 drops of cold pressed olive oil to 1 of essential oil...I put it into the drinking water using a high pressure pump to distribute the oil into the water...the pump helps to distribute the oil into the drinking water...
Yes...I give essential oregano oil...7 drops of cold pressed olive oil to 1 of essential oil...I put it into the drinking water using a high pressure pump to distribute the oil into the water...the pump helps to distribute the oil into the drinking water...

Hi suzie,
I have been giving tammy-Lynn oregano oil diluted in olive oil for 2 days now and she does seem to be showing improvement. Her crop empties better and feels less 'flabby' when it is empty. I am hopeful. Thanks so much
Hi suzie,
I have been giving tammy-Lynn oregano oil diluted in olive oil for 2 days now and she does seem to be showing improvement. Her crop empties better and feels less 'flabby' when it is empty. I am hopeful. Thanks so much
That is great news for little Tammy.......and for you too!

Oregano oil is wonderful for the digestive tract...for your animals and for your own is totally natural...

I am so very happy for you both.....!

Just thought I would send you another update. Tammy-Lynn is doing great, back out with her sisters and eating normal food again. I can't thank you enough. Merry Xmas from sunny Christchurch nz.
That is music to my ears...!

My Niece is living in NZ...and is expecting a baby any day Sister s staying with my was due 15th....

Maybe I will suggest a name of Tammy Lynn for the forthcoming baby if it is a girl...lovely name!

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