**The Salikos of Ibea** (a creature rp)



Crossing the Road
Sep 13, 2019
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B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols), or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding, or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically, this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image/picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.
Salikos belong to the Canidae family (even though they resemble big cats) and occur on the continent Ibea.
They mostly eat meat but are not averse to sweet fruits.

Toward unknown and new things they are quite guardedly, but otherwise very cautious and fearless creatures which get very active in dusk and dawn.

Salikos are divided into four sub-groups: Kumba, Mayur, Tatra, and Tundra.
The sub-groups differ in appearance and behavior, but there are no big gender differences within the group, however, females tend to be larger than males.

All must have dark leg stockings and dark faces or facial markings, regardless of color or species.

Tatra: The Tatra Saliko is the second largest sub-group of Salikos.
For the first time, this kind was sighted in the Tatra mountains, though, it can be found in mixed, deciduous, and coniferous forests.
They eat just about anything, be it mammals, amphibians, snakes, and even fruits ad berries
They do not make their own dens, they prefer to steal them from other animals, and will stubbornly fight for them.

special abilities: able to imitate sounds and remember complex chants and repeat melodies, that's how they lure their prey toward them.
Their fur is usually grey or brown and thick enough to withstand even an icy winter.

This sub-group has the softest and thickest fur among all the sub-groups. It keeps them warm and is water repellent, which is necessary since they swim and dive a lot.

Something you won't notice at first sight is their small ears. compared to their big and strong bodies their ears are pretty small.
Tundra Salikos love the cold and feel very uncomfortable when it gets warmer. They prefer the eat fish, eels, mussels, and shrimps. Tundras also like birds, eggs, and small mammals.
Their tail is strong and helps them dive underwater, additionally, they have big lungs and webbing between their toes.
These Salikos typically have blue to blue-gray coat colors.
Their only natural predator is a Mandaringo, a big predatory seal.

This sub-group is the most endangered group because of their impressive pelt green pelts, and live in dense jungles and rainforests.
They need their green color because they live and hunt mostly in trees, and feed on birds, insects, lizards, fish, and sometimes even fruits and small mammals. Toxic frogs are an important part of their food.
They filter the poison of the frogs and produce a concentrate that they can spit through two glands under her tongue, depending on which type of frog they ate, the poison will have different effects.
They build so-called Kobels in tree holes and forked branches. These consist mainly of branches, leaves, and tendrils.
To show that a Kobel is taken, they mark the wood by scratching it.

This subspecies is the smallest, but also the fastest. Long less and a large lung give them the power to jump and move quickly across the hot desert sand.
The Kumba Saliko is a skilled hunter that eats whatever walks by its snout. The venom of spiders, scorpions, and snakes have no to only little effect on the Kumba Saliko. The only main predator is the Asferatus snake, it's deadly venom leads to death within a few minutes.
They live in the desert and rocky landscapes, as well as sleep in cool burrows and rock columns. Their fur varies between browns like sand and stone red and can be very bright but also dull colored.
All credit goes to the artists who designed Ibea and the Saliko species.

I don't know if Saliko tribes have ranks, but I will do that part myself.

Alpha: (Alphas will be decided later)There are only two alpha Salikos, and they are usually mates. They demand respect from all of the tribe, they eat first, they lead hunts, etc.
When in the presence of an alpha, submission is required.

Beta: There are 3 beta Salikos. They eat second, and always respect the alphas and do what he or she says. When the alphas are away, the betas request the same treatment and respect.
(I reserve beta male)

Mid-rank: Mid Rankers are just regular Salikos. They eat, sleep, hunt, fight, train, etc. They make up the majority of the tribe.

Pups: Pampered by the whole tribe, but raised by their parents, pups are always provided for. As they become juveniles they will become absorbed into tribe hierarchy and must earn their place.
They are always born black and start to develop their markings within a few weeks, and by a year and a half, they are ready to go out on their own.

Omegas: (limit: 1) Omega is the lowest and often times the baby sitter, they are the opposite of the alpha, and sometimes gets bullied. Eats last, even though there might be very little left.

Loner: (limit: 1) These Salikos live away from their tribes, they might live with another loner or a small group.
Some might be exiled from a tribe, abandoned, or some might've been born that way.

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Please follow rules and most importantly, have fun!

We will start out in one tribe, the Dawn Tribe, a group of multiple Salikos of different species living together as one group (my own idea!)
People who might like this RP: @Alyssa-Bee, @CrazyCochin, @chicken3fly, @LittleBigBantam, @Starburst, and maybe @cluckmecoop7, and me, @RoosterWhisperer!
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Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols), or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding, or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically, this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image/picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.
Salikos belong to the Canidae family (even though they resemble big cats) and occur on the continent Ibea.
They mostly eat meat but are not averse to sweet fruits.

Toward unknown and new things they are quite guardedly, but otherwise very cautious and fearless creatures which get very active in dusk and dawn.

Salikos are divided into four sub-groups: Kumba, Mayur, Tatra, and Tundra.
The sub-groups differ in appearance and behavior, but there are no big gender differences within the group, however, females tend to be larger than males.

All must have dark leg stockings and dark faces or facial markings, regardless of color or species.

Tatra: The Tatra Saliko is the second largest sub-group of Salikos.
For the first time, this kind was sighted in the Tatra mountains, though, it can be found in mixed, deciduous, and coniferous forests.
They eat just about anything, be it mammals, amphibians, snakes, and even fruits ad berries
They do not make their own dens, they prefer to steal them from other animals, and will stubbornly fight for them.

special abilities: able to imitate sounds and remember complex chants and repeat melodies, that's how they lure their prey toward them.
Their fur is usually grey or brown and thick enough to withstand even an icy winter.

This sub-group has the softest and thickest fur among all the sub-groups. It keeps them warm and is water repellent, which is necessary since they swim and dive a lot.

Something you won't notice at first sight is their small ears. compared to their big and strong bodies their ears are pretty small.
Tundra Salikos love the cold and feel very uncomfortable when it gets warmer. They prefer the eat fish, eels, mussels, and shrimps. Tundras also like birds, eggs, and small mammals.
Their tail is strong and helps them dive underwater, additionally, they have big lungs and webbing between their toes.
These Salikos typically have blue to blue-gray coat colors.
Their only natural predator is a Mandaringo, a big predatory seal.

This sub-group is the most endangered group because of their impressive pelt green pelts, and live in dense jungles and rainforests.
They need their green color because they live and hunt mostly in trees, and feed on birds, insects, lizards, fish, and sometimes even fruits and small mammals. Toxic frogs are an important part of their food.
They filter the poison of the frogs and produce a concentrate that they can spit through two glands under her tongue, depending on which type of frog they ate, the poison will have different effects.
They build so-called Kobels in tree holes and forked branches. These consist mainly of branches, leaves, and tendrils.
To show that a Kobel is taken, they mark the wood by scratching it.

This subspecies is the smallest, but also the fastest. Long less and a large lung give them the power to jump and move quickly across the hot desert sand.
The Kumba Saliko is a skilled hunter that eats whatever walks by its snout. The venom of spiders, scorpions, and snakes have no to only little effect on the Kumba Saliko. The only main predator is the Asferatus snake, it's deadly venom leads to death within a few minutes.
They live in the desert and rocky landscapes, as well as sleep in cool burrows and rock columns. Their fur varies between browns like sand and stone red and can be very bright but also dull colored.
All credit goes to the artists who designed Ibea and the Saliko species.

I don't know if Saliko tribes have ranks, but I will do that part myself.

Alpha: (Alphas will be decided later)There are only two alpha Salikos, and they are usually mates. They demand respect from all of the tribe, they eat first, they lead hunts, etc.
When in the presence of an alpha, submission is required.

Beta: There are 2 beta Salikos. They eat second, and always respect the alphas and do what he or she says. When the alphas are away, the betas request the same treatment and respect.
(I reserve beta male)

Mid-rank: Mid Rankers are just regular Salikos. They eat, sleep, hunt, fight, train, etc. They make up the majority of the tribe.

Pups: Pampered by the whole tribe, but raised by their parents, pups are always provided for. As they become juveniles they will become absorbed into tribe hierarchy and must earn their place.
They are always born black and start to develop their markings within a few weeks, and by a year and a half, they are ready to go out on their own.

Omegas: (limit: 1) Omega is the lowest and often times the baby sitter, they are the opposite of the alpha, and sometimes gets bullied. Eats last, even though there might be very little left.

Loner: (limit: 1) These Salikos live away from their tribes, they might live with another loner or a small group.
Some might be exiled from a tribe, abandoned, or some might've been born that way.

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Please follow rules and most importantly, have fun!

People who might like this RP: @Alyssa-Bee, @CrazyCochin, @chicken3fly, @LittleBigBantam, @Starburst, and maybe @cluckmecoop7, and me, @RoosterWhisperer!
I call alpha! and also this looks like an awesome rp!
Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols), or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding, or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically, this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image/picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.
Salikos belong to the Canidae family (even though they resemble big cats) and occur on the continent Ibea.
They mostly eat meat but are not averse to sweet fruits.

Toward unknown and new things they are quite guardedly, but otherwise very cautious and fearless creatures which get very active in dusk and dawn.

Salikos are divided into four sub-groups: Kumba, Mayur, Tatra, and Tundra.
The sub-groups differ in appearance and behavior, but there are no big gender differences within the group, however, females tend to be larger than males.

All must have dark leg stockings and dark faces or facial markings, regardless of color or species.

Tatra: The Tatra Saliko is the second largest sub-group of Salikos.
For the first time, this kind was sighted in the Tatra mountains, though, it can be found in mixed, deciduous, and coniferous forests.
They eat just about anything, be it mammals, amphibians, snakes, and even fruits ad berries
They do not make their own dens, they prefer to steal them from other animals, and will stubbornly fight for them.

special abilities: able to imitate sounds and remember complex chants and repeat melodies, that's how they lure their prey toward them.
Their fur is usually grey or brown and thick enough to withstand even an icy winter.

This sub-group has the softest and thickest fur among all the sub-groups. It keeps them warm and is water repellent, which is necessary since they swim and dive a lot.

Something you won't notice at first sight is their small ears. compared to their big and strong bodies their ears are pretty small.
Tundra Salikos love the cold and feel very uncomfortable when it gets warmer. They prefer the eat fish, eels, mussels, and shrimps. Tundras also like birds, eggs, and small mammals.
Their tail is strong and helps them dive underwater, additionally, they have big lungs and webbing between their toes.
These Salikos typically have blue to blue-gray coat colors.
Their only natural predator is a Mandaringo, a big predatory seal.

This sub-group is the most endangered group because of their impressive pelt green pelts, and live in dense jungles and rainforests.
They need their green color because they live and hunt mostly in trees, and feed on birds, insects, lizards, fish, and sometimes even fruits and small mammals. Toxic frogs are an important part of their food.
They filter the poison of the frogs and produce a concentrate that they can spit through two glands under her tongue, depending on which type of frog they ate, the poison will have different effects.
They build so-called Kobels in tree holes and forked branches. These consist mainly of branches, leaves, and tendrils.
To show that a Kobel is taken, they mark the wood by scratching it.

This subspecies is the smallest, but also the fastest. Long less and a large lung give them the power to jump and move quickly across the hot desert sand.
The Kumba Saliko is a skilled hunter that eats whatever walks by its snout. The venom of spiders, scorpions, and snakes have no to only little effect on the Kumba Saliko. The only main predator is the Asferatus snake, it's deadly venom leads to death within a few minutes.
They live in the desert and rocky landscapes, as well as sleep in cool burrows and rock columns. Their fur varies between browns like sand and stone red and can be very bright but also dull colored.
All credit goes to the artists who designed Ibea and the Saliko species.

I don't know if Saliko tribes have ranks, but I will do that part myself.

Alpha: (Alphas will be decided later)There are only two alpha Salikos, and they are usually mates. They demand respect from all of the tribe, they eat first, they lead hunts, etc.
When in the presence of an alpha, submission is required.

Beta: There are 2 beta Salikos. They eat second, and always respect the alphas and do what he or she says. When the alphas are away, the betas request the same treatment and respect.
(I reserve beta male)

Mid-rank: Mid Rankers are just regular Salikos. They eat, sleep, hunt, fight, train, etc. They make up the majority of the tribe.

Pups: Pampered by the whole tribe, but raised by their parents, pups are always provided for. As they become juveniles they will become absorbed into tribe hierarchy and must earn their place.
They are always born black and start to develop their markings within a few weeks, and by a year and a half, they are ready to go out on their own.

Omegas: (limit: 1) Omega is the lowest and often times the baby sitter, they are the opposite of the alpha, and sometimes gets bullied. Eats last, even though there might be very little left.

Loner: (limit: 1) These Salikos live away from their tribes, they might live with another loner or a small group.
Some might be exiled from a tribe, abandoned, or some might've been born that way.

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Please follow rules and most importantly, have fun!

People who might like this RP: @Alyssa-Bee, @CrazyCochin, @chicken3fly, @LittleBigBantam, @Starburst, and maybe @cluckmecoop7, and me, @RoosterWhisperer!
Only one loner?? or one per person?
Name: Hydra
(If I can, beta, if not, middle rank)
Mate: None... yet
Personality: Hydra would rather be lost at sea than be stuck in a crowd. It's not that he has anxiety, he just highly dislikes other salikos and he's lived his whole life like that. Because of that, he may come off cold, but to those he is close with, he is caring, protective, and quite sarcastic. Hydra does not mess with other salikos, but when they disrespect him or the alphas he really doesn't hesitate.
Physical description: Hydra is a stocky male With mainly deep blue fur. His neck and tail are black, along with his legs and facial markings. Hydra is patterned with an array of black swirls, which gave him his name.
Other: since he was a pup he had trained every day in the woods, thus giving him his fighting skills
Gender: Female
Tribe: dawn
Mate: None (too young)
Personality: Toucan is a very adventurous Mayur saliko. She doesn't like to be protected by the pack, as she is very independent. Toucan spends her days in the treetops, simply observing the pack. Toucan tends to be unintentionally rude or disrespectful sometimes. It's not her fault, she just likes to be unbothered
Physical description: Toucan is an older pup. because of her younger age, she is still very dark. Her fur is dark olive green, with black legs and tiger thick black stripes that start at the tip of her nose and go till her shoulders. as she matures, her fur will instead turn a light, almost seafoam color green.
Other: Toucan is just old enough so she can hunt on her own

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