~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Eli began to feel a little awkward. She didn't really seem like she was going to continue talking so he increased his speed again and began to pull ahead, People are weird sometimes. he observed. He didn't even know her name, he realized. He paused for a second "What was your name again?" He asked curiously.

"Kyrene. You?" So he does talk. She stuck a hand in her pocket.

Animal:Bronze Turkey
Crush:too shy

In between form description:has wings and the rest of him is human and they can lift him no higher then 50 feet and fly for short distances
History:average life is a goody two shoes but can fight really well if threatened
Other:ignore my toms messed up wing in the pic

(Accepted, but warning: I doubt a turkey will be too useful in a fight.)
"Kyrene. You?" So he does talk. She stuck a hand in her pocket.

(Accepted, but warning: I doubt a turkey will be too useful in a fight.)
"Eli." He replied. It felt like he should say more, but had no idea what to say. And he realized, if he did try to say something, he would sound a little awkward. He blinked, thinking, before adding "That's a nice name."
"Eli." He replied. It felt like he should say more, but had no idea what to say. And he realized, if he did try to say something, he would sound a little awkward. He blinked, thinking, before adding "That's a nice name."

Um, thanks? Snazzy one-liner you have there. "Thanks. Yours too." Oh, and that's a nice one, Ree. Smooth as butter. But come on, what else was I gonna say?
Alice walked down the street quietly, listening to the others around her as she walked. She had figured out that school had let out early and that someone had been hurt in the woods, but not who it was or why or how they had been hurt.
Eli could almost feel himself slipping up again; he wasn't exactly socially adept. He watched the ground again for a bit. He didn't really understand the finesse of meeting people, it was much too complicated. "Well... It was nice to meet you." He decided that when he got home he would ask his sister for social lesson. He didn't mind the fact that she most likely knew much more about this, he'd help her with homework, she'd help him with talking to people, simple.
Eli could almost feel himself slipping up again; he wasn't exactly socially adept. He watched the ground again for a bit. He didn't really understand the finesse of meeting people, it was much too complicated. "Well... It was nice to meet you." He decided that when he got home he would ask his sister for social lesson. He didn't mind the fact that she most likely knew much more about this, he'd help her with homework, she'd help him with talking to people, simple.

"Yeah…you too." Awk-ward… Kyrene slowed down very slightly to get out of step with him.
(Welcome to my characters' world! :D)
Eli notice Kyrene slow down a little bit and he resumed his faster pace. Oh well, at least he knew the name of one more person. He was also getting closer to his house. I guess those long painfully awkward and silent moments had taken his mind off of getting home. He reached the crossroad and after a brief glance in both directions, headed across the street and to his house. He didn't really want to risk meeting any more people until his sister made him brush up on his skills.

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