~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Zurich said a small,"yeah I guess so,"he leaned back on her shoulder. Arren jumped over his leg and turned around swiftly and said,"you gonna face me or you just gonna keep running!"he held his fists at his sides.
Danika smiled and looked to him then settled into place "I don't think you are a bad guy" She repeated softly

The teen stood and looked at Arren, frowning. Without answering he moved quickly, trying to kick Arren's chest to knock him down
Danika smiled and looked to him then settled into place "I don't think you are a bad guy" She repeated softly


The teen stood and looked at Arren, frowning. Without answering he moved quickly, trying to kick Arren's chest to knock him down

Zurich smiled a little and hugged her tight.
Arren took the kick to his chest and sprawled to the ground hitting his head hard on the asphalt.Arren quenched the pain and jumped up he briskly ran up to the teen wrapping his arm around his throat and holding it in place with his right arm had him in a fierce chokehold he squeezed tightly on his throat closing his airway just to make him pass out.
Zurich smiled a little and hugged her tight. Arren took the kick to his chest and sprawled to the ground hitting his head hard on the asphalt.Arren quenched the pain and jumped up he briskly ran up to the teen wrapping his arm around his throat and holding it in place with his right arm had him in a fierce chokehold he squeezed tightly on his throat closing his airway just to make him pass out.
Danika hugged him back and smiled

He tried to get free from the chokehold but couldn't. Soon enough he passed out from the lack of oxygen.
((Either of them want to get a hair cut or something?! Because if so, I have a perfect character for one of them! Her name is Lindsey, and she's a beautician at a salon, her character form is on page 76 if you want to take a look. {Yes, yes... I know I keep trying to RP Lindsey... But I really want too!} [Just to warn you, I don't like doing short, back and forth kinda posts.]))

((Okay! Which one do you want to rp Lindsey with))
((Exactly ^-^))

((Just try stop me!!! (Insert evil laugh of your choice here: Wehehe, wehaha weyaya!!!! EVIL LAUGH - INSERTED )))

Skye managed to hold the same smile as Jayden biked off. It was a bit of a relief when she finally able to drop the act though, and she stopped walking once she was off the road and on the other side of the footpath. To be honest she did feel a bit bad at having just lied to someone, but let the relief of escaping unharmed outweighs the doubt. She glanced back for a moment in the direction Jay had just gone in, to make sure he wasn't about to do anything ridiculous as turn back or something. Then, once satisfied for the moment that there might just be enough time to make her escape, Skye began walking at a very rapid pace down the street she had originally intended on going down. If she could only make it to the end, depending if anyone was around, then she would finally be able to shift.

((Yea, well they're weird. Fact number two of the day. And he's definitely gonna get loads of unwanted attention from her if he keeps at it X3 Thank you. I accept your acknowledgment of my fantastical awesomeness with pleasure ^-^))

((Well, as I said, 'lightbulb'. I won't try to stop you, I'll just out maneuver you until you're in checkmate, and Skye has no choice but to love his little nerd self! But I went ahead and inserted the evil laugh of my choice, just too tempting. {Yes I play chess, and am very good at it. Thank you, thank you very much.}))

Jayden continued riding, not looking back, mainly because the thought of turning back had crossed his mind. He continued at a steady pace, his hoody getting blown back as he sped up. It wasn't like he had to be home anytime soon: he had no curfew, homework could wait, and it wasn't so dark that his chickens would have to be put away. So he decided to have some fun, mainly to get his mind off his earlier embarrassment, and headed up the next road, planning on taking a shortcut into the woods.

((Don't you go dishing my geeky admirers, a lot of them are very nice and normal, not weird at all. {I don't play icky stuff like Dungeons and Dragons, it's just a couple of adds and stuff, like Dogfight, which is a WWI flight sim. My user name is RedBaroness on it, just so ya know. Lol} And anyway, it's not like Jay is 'in love' with her, he just has a little crush, that he finally acted on, went a bit to fast, and is regretting it. But, he will try again, and he will succeed! {P.S. Skye is not the only girl he likes, it's not like he's obsessing over her.}))

((OMG, I'm defending my character. :lol: ))
Zurich sighed and said,"I am a bad person aren't i?"he lifted his head to face her with a gloomy face waiting for a yes.He wanted a friend and needed one but he didn't feel he deserved one.
"No" Danika said and gave him a small smile "I don't think so. You have made bad choices, but then again, who hasn't?"


((anyone want to rp with these two?))
((Either of them want to get a hair cut or something?! Because if so, I have a perfect character for one of them! Her name is Lindsey, and she's a beautician at a salon, her character form is on page 76 if you want to take a look. {Yes, yes... I know I keep trying to RP Lindsey... But I really want too!} [Just to warn you, I don't like doing short, back and forth kinda posts.]))
((Okay! Which one do you want to rp Lindsey with))
((Either, you pick!

(Hang on! I never accepted them, remember? I commented, but you didn't edit, right?)

(My comments: "Okay, so the Feral are shifters. Please give me an in-between form, and a picture of a fox. Were her parents murdered, or murderers?" and "Please give me an in-between form, and at 17 I doubt he was a professional boxer.")
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Danika hugged him back and smiled


He tried to get free from the chokehold but couldn't. Soon enough he passed out from the lack of oxygen. 

Zurich smiled brightly in the dark hugging a girl he just met a day before.In the woods in a tree in the darkest of the night yet he was happier then he had been in the longest time.
Arren let him fall to the ground and walked away going to find Alice.
Zurich smiled brightly in the dark hugging a girl he just met a day before.In the woods in a tree in the darkest of the night yet he was happier then he had been in the longest time. Arren let him fall to the ground and walked away going to find Alice.
Danila hugged him, glad to have made a new friend.

(Yes, she's young and a bit nieve, but cut her some slack, she would rather be with the guy who can take care of himself, than another victim who could disappear on her like her family did)

Alice was at the alley, listening to the fight, When she heard Arren approaching she tilted her head, "Arren?"

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