~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Zuri thought about it and then had to ask,"What are you?"She looked over at Ari. Arren said,"That's ok she is scared of everyone except me."At least their not always trying to eat you.
"We are wolves, it's our family line" Ari answered then tilted her head "What are you?"

Alice smiled a little and sighed "I wish sometimes that I was different so that I wouldn't scare every animal away"
"We are wolves, it's our family line" Ari answered then tilted her head "What are you?"


Alice smiled a little and sighed "I wish sometimes that I was different so that I wouldn't scare every animal away"

Zuri nodded then said,"None of my family are shifters as far that I know of I am a Philippine eagle."
"Why are they so scared of you?"asked Arren curious.
((Yeah-yeah it looked cuter, but not as cute as this! <(' .' )> ))

Jayden stopped retreating to face Skye when she did not make chase, his tail flicking wildly in a mixture of excitement, befuddlement, and wariness, his head low, one brown, one blue eyes fixed on the red fox. But at her question, he straightened slightly, lifting his head and tilting it to one side in confusion. She didn't recognize his name? Maybe she did remember, and it was just that she hadn't connected the dots. He was a fox claiming to be someone she new, that was weird, no, beyond weird, it was freakishly insane. He took a tentative step forward, "I'm Jayden, ah, Jay, Jay-Jay? We met earlier today, um... I'm like you, a shifter." Jay said gently, trying not to upset her, though he wondered if she would remember him at all. He was used to that, it wasn't uncommon for people to forget him.

((*grumbling* I never denied it in the first place... It's impossible! *derisive snort* ()

((... What is it? X3))

Skyes eyes widened even further at the fact Jayden presented her, followed by the realization that she had just met one of her first fellow shifters. It all made sense now. It had been a human she had scented behind the rocks first, then he had sprung out from behind them in his animal form- his fox form- exclaiming he was not a fox. It had sounded completely weird to her before, but now Skye knew what he had meant. A small shiver of excitement and shock ran along her spine, and her hackles lay flat again. She tilted her head, eyes still wide, but now filled with curiosity instead of fear. "You were watching?" She asked with a small flick of her left ear.

((Nothing is impossible!!! *Fact number something*))
Zuri nodded then said,"None of my family are shifters as far that I know of I am a Philippine eagle." "Why are they so scared of you?"asked Arren curious.
"Your family has to be eagles then." Ari said and frowned, thinking "Philippine eagles are rare around here, usually they stay close to where their animal form is from. You probably have ancestors in the Philippines right now"

"Historically, yeah, but everyone is spreading out these days Ari, we don't have to stay in that much hiding anymore" Mark pointed out, obviously said many times before to her

Alice shrugged and grinned "Cause I'm a predator"
"Your family has to be eagles then." Ari said and frowned, thinking "Philippine eagles are rare around here, usually they stay close to where their animal form is from. You probably have ancestors in the Philippines right now" 

"Historically, yeah, but everyone is spreading out these days Ari, we don't have to stay in that much hiding anymore" Mark pointed out, obviously said many times before to her


Alice shrugged and grinned "Cause I'm a predator"

"Maybe,my family doesn't tell me anything hence me leaving,"Zuir stated.


Arren smiled and pretended not to know what she meant,"Well yeah so am I?"Not really.More like dinner haha.
"Maybe,my family doesn't tell me anything hence me leaving,"Zuir stated.


Arren smiled and pretended not to know what she meant,"Well yeah so am I?"Not really.More like dinner haha.
Mark looked back to her and frown "It's becoming rather clear that a lot of families don't tell their kids anything. None of the kids around here know the stories of our people."

Had she been wrong about him, was he not a shifter like she thought? Alice wondered as she looked towards him

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