~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

"That would be fine,"said Zuri with a smile.Wow she is very kind.I am not so generous but,people have given me good reason not to be.

(('she' LOL!))

Ari smiled then glanced to the bedroom "Oh, Mark wanted to be woken when you got home" She said then went to get her twin. She paused at the door and looked back "Did you hear from Zack?"

"Um, no. Was I supposed to hear from him?" Ryan replied with a slight frown, walking over to his desk and placing his bag on it, beginning to unpack his laptop, books and other school supplies from it as he added, "Is there something going on?"

((P.S. Poult, the second post on page 85 has a description of Ryan's apartment if you want to look! Oh, and just in case you didn't remember Starr, the extra bedroom's walls and ceiling are covered in astrology charts.))
Ari smiled then glanced to the bedroom "Oh, Mark wanted to be woken when you got home" She said then went to get her twin. She paused at the door and looked back "Did you hear from Zack?"


Alice walked beside him, more confident on the flat floor than on the stairs. She stepped a little closer to nudge his shoulder with a smile "Hey, I was running before, remember?" She had recognized the careful walk for what it was now that they were on regular floor again.

Arren smiled and replied,"Sorry,"he walked a bit faster and lead her to the kitchen table.
Zuri listened and retreated to sitting down at the table again.

(This is also for LTC my computer doesn't let me multi quote all the time :( )
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(('she' LOL!))
"Um, no. Was I supposed to hear from him?" Ryan replied with a slight frown, walking over to his desk and placing his bag on it, beginning to unpack his laptop, books and other school supplies from it as he added, "Is there something going on?"

((P.S. Poult, the second post on page 85 has a description of Ryan's apartment if you want to look! Oh, and just in case you didn't remember Starr, the extra bedroom's walls and ceiling are covered in astrology charts.))

(Well I thought Ryan was a funny name for a girl........oops............. I read she 0_0)

(Oky doky will do *checking*)
"Um, I'll let Mark explain. " Ari said and retreated to the bedroom to wake Mark. Soon both twins came back out to the main room. "Hey Ryan." Mark said and smiled then started to explain an edited version of the day's events, since he had to leave out any mention of shifters because they were not sure if Ryan was one.
(Well I thought Ryan was a funny name for a girl........oops............. I read she 0_0)

(Oky doky will do *checking*)

((Hehe, yep, Ryan's a guy, and a very nice one at that! {I have a feeling that their conversation might have gone a little differently if you knew that fact... ;) }))

((Great, and, just if you're curious, his character form is on page 51. In case you want to know what he looks like or anything, I always like doing that when I RP with another character.))
"Um, I'll let Mark explain. " Ari said and retreated to the bedroom to wake Mark. Soon both twins came back out to the main room. "Hey Ryan." Mark said and smiled then started to explain an edited version of the day's events, since he had to leave out any mention of shifters because they were not sure if Ryan was one.

Zuri sat at the kitchen table silent in thought,she was pretty quite,had nothing to say that made it worthy of words.

((Hehe, yep, Ryan's a guy, and a very nice one at that! {I have a feeling that their conversation might have gone a little differently if you knew that fact... ;) }))

((Great, and, just if you're curious, his character form is on page 51. In case you want to know what he looks like or anything, I always like doing that when I RP with another character.))

(Yeah LOL I checked out the characters you like kitties don't you? If so ME TOO!!!!! :p )
Name: Archer Lyle
Age: 14
Gender: M
Allegiance: To be honest, he really doesn't care right now. Kinda floating in between True and Feral- casually, of course.
Animal: Culpeo Dog thing
Personality: Typicaly, Archer is imature, goofy, sarcastic... and sometimes just plain out crazy. He is actually a very calm collected young fellow once you get to know him, though he will always have his moments of fantastical hyperness. He doesn't care if he makes himself look stupid, and loves to make people laugh. He is also rather and impatient, and to be honest couldn't care about school less. Archer can be quiet, he just has to focus really hard and be quite exhausted
Crush: WHA- I mean, pardon?
((Don't ask.))
In between form: The ears, tail, and darker eyes, plus more claw like nails.
History: Archer grew up in a middle class family of 9, so that's four brothers and two sisters. He was always the goofy insane kid in the family, often getting into trouble at school for mischief. Despite that, Archer never actually did anything real bad- such as stealing etc. (Ok, so he might have 'borrowed' a library book. He had forgotten his library card- plus that speech on Antarctica was due the next day). And he may have taken a few things from a store. 'It was only a dare!'. Other that that rather boring fact though, there really isn't much to report. He lived, he still lives, and plans on living quite a bit longer. Lets see how that turns out...
Username: Silver Bantam
Zuri listened and retreated to sitting down at the table again.

(This is also for LTC my computer doesn't let me multi quote all the time :( )

((I sometimes have that same problem.))

"Um, I'll let Mark explain. " Ari said and retreated to the bedroom to wake Mark. Soon both twins came back out to the main room. "Hey Ryan." Mark said and smiled then started to explain an edited version of the day's events, since he had to leave out any mention of shifters because they were not sure if Ryan was one.

Ryan listened intently as Mark explained, asking for further explanation occasionally, but mainly staying quiet. He found it very, very odd that someone would go and stab a girl in the woods for no, or at least an unknown reason. It just didn't seem to add up. "Do you have any idea about how she's doing now, or if she even...?" Ryan's question trailed off, but it was obvious what he meant, '-even made it?' was the basic idea.
Jayden caught the slight glint in her amber eyes, and it, for that moment, gave him a spark of hope that, just maybe, she might actually like him as a person, or at least tolerate him, which would be better than nothing from any girl as far as he was concerned. But the insincere quality to her hurried words, 'it's fine', snuffed out that little spark almost as soon as it started. Jay looked around them awkwardly, what could he say now? They were both standing there, both foxes, where could they go from here?

"Um," Jayden started before he really had anything to say, but being quick on his feet, he found, well, something, "My Grandma is a, ah, shifter as well." Just as he said that, a new, slightly scary, thought came into his mind, and he blurted accusatorially, "Wait, are you True or Feral?!" Actually pointing his paw at her as if it were a hand, his eyes narrowed and his ears back warily.

((I'm sorry your brain is all WBed, I'm sure you'll be back to normal soon!))

((His character is fun to write.
Skye shifted her weight again and glanced away awkwardly, clearly thinking the same as Jayden. So they had both just found out that each other were shifters, but what now? Her gaze was drawn back to the other, white fox when he spoke, breaking the reasonably short silence. She tilted her head slightly, "Is she a fox, too?" So there were two other shifters in the area, she thought to herself. As soon as she asked that question though, a change seemed to come over Jayden when he tensed all of a sudden- as if some terrifying thought had just come to his mind. Skye didn't know how close that was to the truth. "What?" She asked, irritated by his sharp tone. "What are you talking about?" She followed suit, eyes narrowing with confusion and annoyance.

((Yea, I'm a little bit better now, thanks C: ))

((I bet it is XD))

((Oh, and what's happening with Khloe, Zack, Mark, Asher, and Zuri? Are we just leaving them?))
((I sometimes have that same problem.))
Ryan listened intently as Mark explained, asking for further explanation occasionally, but mainly staying quiet. He found it very, very odd that someone would go and stab a girl in the woods for no, or at least an unknown reason. It just didn't seem to add up. "Do you have any idea about how she's doing now, or if she even...?" Ryan's question trailed off, but it was obvious what he meant, '-even made it?' was the basic idea.
"I don't have a phone, and don't know your number, so I have no idea." Mark said then shrugged. Yeah, he didn't think to call the hospital yet, with everything that had happened in such a short period of time, he just didn't think of it. "I don't know which hospital she was taken to either." He added after a moment

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