The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

I have a SL who is 24 weeks old and not laying yet, her comb has been red for weeks now and I've been searching for eggs. Any ideas?

Here is a picture of my girl. I took this last week. She was between 17 and 18 weeks old. Compared to my others hens (mixed flock) her comb and waddles are larger and redder than all the rest. No eggs yet
I don't know how correct she i

s. I got her from a hatchery, but I think she is beautiful.
I hope you enjoy the picture.
she is really pretty........ i wonder if she might be a he, i wonder this because it happened to one of my RIR at first he seemed like a she, but he didn't lay and then he crowed so we eventually found out and he is know a beautiful young roo
Here is a picture of my girl. I took this last week. She was between 17 and 18 weeks old. Compared to my others hens (mixed flock) her comb and waddles are larger and redder than all the rest. No eggs yet
I don't know how correct she i

s. I got her from a hatchery, but I think she is beautiful.
I hope you enjoy the picture.
I wouldn't worry about her not laying yet. Wyandottes are slow to mature! My Heritage SLWs didn't start laying till they where 32+ weeks old! Your girl should be laying by 23-25 weeks old. My leghorns start around 16-18 weeks though.
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