The Society of Truth, an RP

Tara focused on picking the veggies, she grabbed some carrots, some celery, a cucumber and some lettuce. She wiped her eyes and made sure no more tears could fall before she walked back inside “sorry about how long that took” she said looking between them “now how about we get that dinner on the stove”. She pushed down the grief and continued with her task, she had too much pride to let them see her cry (she doesn’t know they saw her out the window and that it is very obvious because she has red rimmed eyes)
Tara focused on picking the veggies, she grabbed some carrots, some celery, a cucumber and some lettuce. She wiped her eyes and made sure no more tears could fall before she walked back inside “sorry about how long that took” she said looking between them “now how about we get that dinner on the stove”. She pushed down the grief and continued with her task, she had too much pride to let them see her cry (she doesn’t know they saw her out the window and that it is very obvious because she has red rimmed eyes)
Alina nodded and brought out a chopping board, ignoring the tear-trails that traced Tara's cheeks. "Bring 'em over here, then," she said with a grin.

Chris was watching, a strange element of sympathy in his eyes.
I'm a little late to the game. It's fine if I'm not accepted :)

Name: Elsie DeClair
Alias: Midnight
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Power: She can control darkness. She often refers to shadows as her 'friends', and can 'coax' them to do whatever she wants.
Description: She has wavy black hair with silver tips that falls just past her shoulders, silver-blue eyes, and pale skin. Her costume is really simple: black leggings and a black sweatshirt with a silver moon in the middle.
Personality: Can be kind of annoying as she doesn't easily trust, but, once you get to know her, she can be friendly, street smart, and a little witty at times as well. Although those who haven't known her long may swear the opposite, but she's actually kind of a romantic at heart. She's also semi-tech savvy, but nothing like Mark. She's just an OK hacker.
Other: she used to be a protector, hence her powers, but rebelled and has been on the run pretty much ever since. She's had some close calls with the Programmer, but hasn't been captured yet. She's in the process of trying to join the society, but they don't know yet.

Please tell me if something's off and I'll fix it!

Edited because I came up with another idea
Edited AGAIN because of another idea.

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