The Society of Truth, an RP

"Nope, don't think so. It's probably a good thing, we don't have many bedrooms now I knocked them all down." Alina smiled, "Dad's very patient... He gave Michaela her wilderness and me my workroom. The deal was that the mess spread nowhere else!"
She smiled “I had the smallest of the three bedrooms in my house. It sucked” she grinned “we had a large house with a library and there was this little summerhouse we owned down the coast, oh it was stunning, my sister got the keys for that. I had a larger room there” she grinned wider, and Had a far-away look in her eye as she spoke about her past
She smiled “I had the smallest of the three bedrooms in my house. It sucked” she grinned “we had a large house with a library and there was this little summerhouse we owned down the coast, oh it was stunning, my sister got the keys for that. I had a larger room there” she grinned wider, and Had a far-away look in her eye as she spoke about her past
“I used to have my own library adjoining to my room in the summerhouse and I had a desk where I could read for hours and draw. I was a bit artistic when I was younger, I still have my scrapbook buried in my bag somewhere. I used to draw portraits and animals, one year my sister convinced me to enter in the local fair so I did and I won third prize, everyone said I should have won first” she sighed having been caught up in her memories “but I don’t draw anymore.”
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Elsie yawned and stretched. For a minute or two, she couldn't remember where she was. Then, like a speeding freight train, it hit her. She was in the secret room in Alina's mansion. The Programmer was after her, and she was in hiding. Her cheerful mood started to fade as she walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Isabel awoke to the sound of a whoosh. Her eyes snapped open. The Programmer! she thought. Then, she looked over at the road and saw a car driving away. Oh, it was just neighbors' car. She yawned, and flew down onto the ground, turning back into a human. "Good morning!" She said to everyone.

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