The Society of Truth, an RP

Name: Liana Reir
Age: 26
Gender: F
Power: NA
Description: darker hair than her sister Tara if that’s even possible, she has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen, they aren’t dark like her sister they are a brilliant sky blue. She has pale skin but that only sets off her amazing eyes, she stands out wherever she goes. She is tall, very tall but has been since she was a child, she pulls similar expressions to her sister but if you needed glasses and your vision was foggy you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. Her long hair (down to mid back) hangs in natural beach waves, she is a very very pretty girl.
personality: cruel and vindictive but can also be kind. She is very competitive and smart but not Alina smart. She also is one of those people you either love her or you hate her, there is no in between. She can come across as cruel but she has no intentions of doing so, she owns a beach house (the summer house) down south and hasn’t heard from her little sister since their parents funeral. But why would Tara contact her, they never had a good relationship to start with. She has a laugh that sounds like bells tinkling, but she loves being indoors so she isn’t much into nature at all, she reads a lot and she is a bit of a writer but not an artist, no that was always her sisters domain. She was engaged at the age of twenty but that lasted only a year before he broke up with her, she still hates him and can hold a grudge. She is frightened of falling for anyone again in case they hurt her.
family: Tara (Alive), mother (deceased), father (deceased).
Other: don’t worry I’m not going to have her join the society or come to town...(or maybe I will have her come to town. It would certainly make things a bit more interesting lol ;))
She grinned “okay then” she looked at Calder then at Alina. “Calder, make up the strangest concoction you can think of using things like mayonnaise and drink it” she grinned
(No worries)
Calder grimaced. "You guys are horrible! Why always pick on me?!" he got up and left the room, glancing around with a smirk. He knew what he'd do.
It only took him a few minutes, and he was left with a glass filled with something that seemed to be a slightly murky blue, very viscous... and it appeared to have... glitter in it?
Name: Liana Reir
Age: 26
Gender: F
Power: NA
Description: darker hair than her sister Tara if that’s even possible, she has the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen, they aren’t dark like her sister they are a brilliant sky blue. She has pale skin but that only sets off her amazing eyes, she stands out wherever she goes. She is tall, very tall but has been since she was a child, she pulls similar expressions to her sister but if you needed glasses and your vision was foggy you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. Her long hair (down to mid back) hangs in natural beach waves, she is a very very pretty girl.
personality: cruel and vindictive but can also be kind. She is very competitive and smart but not Alina smart. She also is one of those people you either love her or you hate her, there is no in between. She can come across as cruel but she has no intentions of doing so, she owns a beach house (the summer house) down south and hasn’t heard from her little sister since their parents funeral. But why would Tara contact her, they never had a good relationship to start with. She has a laugh that sounds like bells tinkling, but she loves being indoors so she isn’t much into nature at all, she reads a lot and she is a bit of a writer but not an artist, no that was always her sisters domain. She was engaged at the age of twenty but that lasted only a year before he broke up with her, she still hates him and can hold a grudge. She is frightened of falling for anyone again in case they hurt her.
family: Tara (Alive), mother (deceased), father (deceased).
Other: don’t worry I’m not going to have her join the society or come to town...(or maybe I will have her come to town. It would certainly make things a bit more interesting lol ;))
(She aaalmost sounds like someone Alina would relate to! She practically is a dark haired version of Alina except for the personality obviously! But I can't help wondering what would happen if she and Alina became fast friends... I don't think Tara'd approve... that could get quite interesting, LOL!)
Calder grimaced. "You guys are horrible! Why always pick on me?!" he got up and left the room, glancing around with a smirk. He knew what he'd do.
It only took him a few minutes, and he was left with a glass filled with something that seemed to be a slightly murky blue, very viscous... and it appeared to have... glitter in it?
She looked up and grinned at him “bottoms up Calder” she smirked

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