The Substitute "Which Breed Game"

Sorry I've put this in the wrong spot I'm still learning how to use this site properly....

However this morning Amelia was crowing I think she is a he lol.We have had her from a chicken so I guess that explains it.
32 @Jod46 - i am not sure. i suggest separating her before further damage though. is the wound raw? or is it like a scab? try spraying it with blue-kote. it cleans the wound and makes it taste bad to the other chickens so they won't peck. i have treated my roo Hats with blue-kote before. those are pics of Hats. keep spraying with blue kote until they stop pecking. i am just gonna say, the blue-kote (or wound-kote) is purple/blue. it will temporarily dye your chicken blue/purple. also, only spray on the wound area. use enough to cover it well, but use as little as possible. only the amount needed. hope this helps!
Very pretty hat chickens

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