Someone in area code 469 has eggs on the way!
I've never done this before, either. Are we supposed to keep it secret? Just send them to the name / address in the e-mail?
Or check and make sure our receiver has room for them first?
It's suppose to be a secret but I wonder if someone has gotten eggs and wasn't quite ready for them.I guess what you hatch out could still be a secret.In my case I would love to have mine this week since I have some other eggs being shipped today and I would like to set them together.on the other hand my partner this month doesn't want them until the end of the month.
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Well my thought is...they know they are sending out they *should* have room in the bator themselves...I know I do ( I actually bought a 2nd 1 b/c I went a bit nuts), so I would assume my swap partner would too....
I agree but that may disqualify several people each month.I don't have a problem waiting to send my eggs but some people may have a hard time coming up with eggs at later dates.I guess there's no way satisfy everyone.
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When I signed up I requested that my eggs not be sent until the end of the month so my bator would be free. This info was passed on to my swap partner.

I was able to send my eggs on time and since there was no request when to send them to my partner I sent them immediately.

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