i dont like them either!
I think they are cute in an ugly sort of way--they look like miniature Ostriches.

Of course I don't nescessarily want one, though my neighbor has them! I spoke with that neighbor (who happens to be my MIL) and she said she'd take any chicks I hatch out--so they've already got a new home.
In exchange I'm going to get a few muscovy ducklings from her (she's got different bloodlines than I do) that's all settled.

Now I just need my birds to step up & start laying!
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I haven't shipped my partners eggs yet probably can't till Thursday is that ok or should I wait till Monday? I haven't shipped eggs before so I don't know how long it takes for them to get to Indiana or how to package them safely.
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I'd wait and ship fresh eggs on Monday. Sending them Priority Mail on Thursday gives a big chance of them spending the weekend at the PO.
Naked Necks...Uh uh!! I sorry Julie

Hey I get what I get. The chickie pics of them are super cute, but I know me come winter I'll be wanting to wrap their necks up and fret over frostbite.

In the winter , especially on bitter windy days I stand at the window and watch the flock and moan about ..dont' they know it's cold, why dont' they stay in the coop where it's cozy. I can see me with naked necks...OMG, they've taken their scarves off again what are they

Julie, I don't know if you got one or not but I do have two NN hens.I don't think there was one in your eggs but there is a possibilty.I didn't think about you being so far north,however I do know of several people who have hatched out chick's from my egg's that were NN's since the gene is dominate.Mine do lay nice large brown egg's though.

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