My person asked for pure standards, but it will be next week before I get them together (vacation this weekend). I hope my swap buddy can hold on--it WILL be worth it! LOL

I don't think we were told in the beginning that we would not get what we requested or I would not have joined. I am not trying to be hard to please at all and I do appreciate the hard work that went into this. I just don't need any mixed standard chickens right now. I only have bantam and I only keep purebred. So I would just have to give them away or try to sell them. I just don't want to waste my partner's money or time. I hope that does not make me sound like a B----! I was just being honest. I have very limited space. i guess I will just have to skip the swaps and do private swaps instead.

I don't think it makes you sound that way at all. I think it's totally reasonable. I think if someone wasn't able to get what they requested I would ask if something else was ok w/them and if it wasn't I wouldn't ask them to send eggs and just exclude them from the swap more or less. It's gotta be hard if 15 people ask for pure bantams and only 3 offer it, while 12 people offer mixed and they want pure...I mean, how many people WANT mixed? I kind of *think* if you send in mixed you should only be able to receive the same in return & that would make it ALOT easier.
Just my thoughts...
Same here.I only have mixed and asked for mixed standard however if pure is the only thing left that's considered a bonus.You can't have evryone with mixed to swap and asknig for pure cause it will never work.When I get some more pens built and I get some of mine separated then I may want to swap some pure.For now I enjoy getting different mixes of chickens that I may not have.
i guess my take's a surprise don't know what you get. you don't know if it's pure or mixed. something might look pure but maybe it's not. something may look mixed but maybe it's a faulty pure. That's what makes it FUN.

I can't see how a person can choose which grab bag to accept in a secret surprise swap such as this. if you know what's coming or what's already in the grab bag, it's no longer a secret surprise.

Just my $.02
Well, it is a secret swap, but there should not be an option to put purebred or mixed if there is no way to make sure a person gets what they ask for. I agree that if you only have mixed to offer you should not be able to ask for pure. Because then someone like me, who only has pure, ends up getting mixed. If I am sending pure, I should have more right to get pure. If that makes sense. And the only reason I know is because my partner was nice enough to ask if I had room right now because she knew I had a lot in the incubators right now. Then I asked for a hint on what she is sending, and she said some eggs are green some are brown and if the daddy could lay he would lay cream colored. So I did not know what kind but from that I knew they were not pure. So I emailed and asked if they were pure and she said no. So it is still somewhat of a secret. I just bowed out and said I did not want the eggs. So I am the one who is losing in this, not those persons who are getting pure eggs in place of mixed. So I don't think I am being unreasonable. I just wont be doing the swap next time. I appreciate all the hard work, I really do. I just can't take mixed eggs. But thanks very much.

There were A LOT of people who only had mixed but want pure and that is what made it a pain in the A** I just thought it would be better to get some eggs than get nothing I am sorry I should have asked first
I have never done anything like this before and if I messed things up to bad I will bow out and someone else can take over. Next time I do think if you only have mixed you should only be able to get mixed and so on. Marie if you can hold off for a week or so I will send you some silkie eggs if you want I just want everyone to be happy and have a good time
It is no problem. I can just bow out since I appear to be the only one who had a problem with it. I understand that you did the best you could and I could not have done any better. I did not mean to make it sound that way. I just felt that I was being slapped on the wrist for saying anything and I did not think that was fair. I have plenty going right now and I will be fine. Thanks for understanding. And thanks for the offer too. I really appreciate it. But you should not have to do that, and I won't be upset about it at all.


I agree with you. I don't want any mixed breed birds to feed .... if I knew I were getting them, I'd do the same thing and tell the person to just keep the eggs. I only keep pure breeds, and I only keep the best quality & sell the rest .... I sure don't want to feed and raise any chickens that are mixed. If I find out I have mixed ... they'll be going to the first poultry auction I can attend.

By the way, my zip is 73089

and I shipped pure Standard eggs to 48745 today.

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