I haven't got mine either so you're not alone.I did find out where mine are coming from but they probably won't ship til next week.
me too..... my partner want come out of hiding!!
I am shipping to Tenn. probably Monday, my DH is in the hospital having surgery so it has been a rough week here. So anyone in Tenn. bear with me they are on there way.............ASAP
Well ya know in the first swap I notified my partner and somebody made a federal case out of it and there was a big stink because I broke the sacred "secret" rule...

So it could be some folks are afraid to be made a target and contact their partner. Personally I think it is nice to know when you will have eggs shipping out to you etc, but that is just my unprofessional opinion.

Now, lets all be happy and hatch some eggs !!!!

Even though it's probably not to me, I will be patient. I totally understand about rough weeks..

And if it is me, then next week will be rough for you, too (as your dh recovers). You can wait until the 28th (if yours are for me) and I won't mind. Hope your hubby feels better soon!!
LOL, both swaps that I have done, I searched the different people until I narrowed it down to who it might be. See there is a good reason to put your home state and other little info like that. Both times I have been able to figure out who my partner is. The first swap I sent a PM to my partner telling her that the eggs were on the way. Later that day my partner called me to tell me that they would be shipped out later and then we discovered that we were each others partners. That led to several longer calls to get to know each other. It is nice to know that I have a new friend that came out of this. I dont think it is such a bad thing knowing who your partner is or who sent you the eggs. It only has to be a secret as to what is going to come out of the egg, not who your partner actually is. Also for those getting mutts, you can be told they will be mutts and you still wont know what is coming That is why I love them soooo much. Good luck to everyone and hatching vibes going to all. I had a few left over from my hatch yesterday of wonderful little turkey poults!!!!! Jenn

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