I will sit down tonight and see what new rules should be made and I am so happy to say that i now have pure BOs to offer
Hey Sharron,
I candled a couple nights ago and had 6 growing strong!! I will let you know how the hatch goes!! Jenn
Jenn I'm so glad at least 6 are doing well. I always worry when shipping eggs.

Nobody has said if they 23139 yet so I guess I'm in for a surprise when my eggs arrive.
Rules? This thing has rules? I don't do well with rules
Just kidding!!

Just let me know if you need any help. I really can take things seriously when I need to. Ask my teenager...
well the mail has come and gone and still no box for me. a little bird told me it was going to be in the mail on the 22nd but i haven't heard for sure if it was.
the suspense is killin me.

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