i dont have anything yet either
Some are pure some will be mixed but all hens are blue slate, my royal palm is sitting on a clutch of 12 or so.......
Hubby had 2nd surgery Tuesday.......had to remove more of his leg.....not doing well today, they are having trouble controlling the pain.......

Keep the prayers coming.......
You've been on my mind a LOT.

And DH says you could've been more stingy on the eggs
He was
to see all those big eggs in the bator!!
Mom has already asked me to name one 'Thanksgiving' and the another one 'Christmas'.
ok guys May swap is up and running Please e-mail me and let me know who didnt get their eggs yet!!
I received my eggs today from shortcake, as per my request
She is another one who can't count, thanks for so many extras. The post office was cracking up (not the eggs). Shortcake had some ingienus remarks to put on the box. "Please don't scramble us." and "Please help up arrive alive." CUTE
It worked because all the eggs were in perfect condition. Great packing too! They go in the bator tomorrow. Can't wait to see what comes out of those huge brown eggs.

Thanks Shortcake.
I haven't sent mine yet because I have none.
My person requested 'scovy eggs & my derned 'scovies haven't been laying for weeks now!
I did give them three new nest boxes & lined them with straw...but they don't seem at all interested?

However, I'll get some out ASAP...and I apologize for the delay--please send me "good hatching vibes!"
ya I received my eggs today from shortcake, as per my request ya She is another one who can't count, thanks for so many extras. The post office was cracking up (not the eggs). Shortcake had some ingienus remarks to put on the box. "Please don't scramble us." and "Please help up arrive alive." CUTE clap It worked because all the eggs were in perfect condition. Great packing too! They go in the bator tomorrow. Can't wait to see what comes out of those huge brown eggs. jumpy
Thanks Shortcake.

You're very welcome. I hope you get some babies you like out of them.

I figure if the guys at the PO are entertained they'll be less likely to handle them roughly.

Did you notice my son's contribution on the bottom of the box?
I had to go look. Tell him I said "Thank You". I am sure his contribution helped get the eggs through the post office in great shape.

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