The sweet smell of decomp...


13 Years
Mar 10, 2007
Central Florida
We finally had ENOUGH of the cute little rats that had taken up residence under/in our shed and chicken coop and garden and yard. We were a bit nervous about using bait stations, but killing them with snap traps and DHs's pellet gun was not getting the job done. I am VERY HAPPY to say that the bait stations are a huge success. Have only seen 2 dead/dying rats in the yard (quickly got rid of them before chickens or my toddler could see them). But, the smell of decomp under the shed is a bit overwhelming. So, I know it's working.

Anyone have suggestions for how long we should keep the stations baited? I am hoping they will be wiped out in another week. YIPPEE!
Keep at least one baited at all times. Rats will move from place to place, and will quickly "repopulate" your place if they get the chance.

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