The "Talk about your day at school" Thread :)


9 Years
Nov 25, 2010
Orem, Utah.
I got an idea a few days ago of making a thread where we can come talk about how our day at school was!


I know today is Saturday but I still had to go to school. I'm on stage crew. We have to build and paint the set on the stage for the play(This semester it's The Wizard of Oz) I had so much fun and got covered in paint
Thatt sounds fun... ii didnt have school... i have been outside cleaning out my chickens and cleaning up the house.....
My know-it-all, just-turned 4yo g/daughter just started school (UK) a few weeks ago---

She told me she was in the 'Protection Class' -
"eh?", I said
'I'm in the Protection Class', she said louder
puzzled I asked again -
"put yer hearing-aid in, I said I'm in the Reception Class!"

We picked her up from school last week...
"What did you have for dinner, then?" we asked
'forgotten' - she said (when she can't be bothered)
"Come on, what did you have?" we urged her
'Potato with skins on' she said
"Oh right, Jacket Potatoes - what did you have on it, then?"...


Bless her - she'll keep on proving why she will be an only child...!
i have a 3 day schoolweek
for next week

man, if it weren't for sparknotes, i'd fail english! i keep putin' off reading to kill a mockingbird and i keep getting bad grades on pop quizes, but sparknotes will (hopefully) change that
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