The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

I have a question for those with TTs that have been laying for a while- what size are the eggs? I have 37 other chickens and am not new to chickens at all. I know that sometimes newbie layer eggs will get bigger after the layer has experience. The first TT to lay has laid an egg every day for 8 days straight since her first egg but they are ALL bantam size eggs! I've had leghorns and RIRs before and their eggs were huge so what's up with these?
My TTs are 18 weeks old, and we've only gotten two eggs from them, ever. When will they start laying again?
The one in the back. I thought they were Americaunas cuz that was what the sign in front of the bin said but they were almost dead so I got them free. I thought the one in the back was a cockerel all the way until SHE laid her first egg in front of me:)
I have 2 Tetra Tints and 3 RIR. I am getting 3 brown eggs and 1 large white and then our other tetra tint started laying last week but will lay both white and very light brown eggs! Does anyone else have the tetra tints that lay light brown eggs? My 2 are my most spunky girls. They are super fast too !
Previously posted on sex and gender thread and someone suggested that the white one could be a tetra tint. She has golden buff highlights on her chest and a few black smut spots. The other two I thought were red sex link, but looking at pics of RSL's, they look similar to tetra brown's. I had never heard of the Tetra's before, so wondering if anyone else thinks they could be Tetra's. I'm just copying/pasting my original post. Thanks!! "So, I had three wayward chickens show up at 4 am a few nights ago. I have no idea on age, but I am guessing they are between 12-14 weeks as I currently have 10 week old pullets who are a bit smaller and they are a couple inches shorter than my 1 yr old hens. I am thinking that there are two red sex links and maybe a white leghorn? The white is a little smutty. I was thinking that they were pullets, but the reds have some long tail feathers sticking off. If they were cockerels though, I thought that they would have much more white if they really are red sex links. They are very sweet and quiet. I am torn on everything: age, sex, breed. Any help? Thanks!!"
The white one looks like my tetra tint.Most are white but some have that color on them.One of mine also have a black beak.
Ugh! Jealous of everyone getting eggs! Our Tetras are about 19-20 weeks, and we've only gotten two eggs. Hope they start soon.

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