The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

Onions and garlic are dangerous if birds too eat much of it. A little bit won't hurt them, but should be avoided whenever possible.

Onions and garlic are part of the lily family of plants (includes chives, shallots, etc.) contain sulfur compounds that when metabolized can break down red blood cells (dipropenyl disulfide in particular). This can lead to diseases such as anemia.

It is worth noting that this affects humans too and some researchers theorize that the effect is less on birds than for mammals.

As it goes with most things related to nutrition (bird, human, or otherwise), a little bit isn't a big deal, but too much will kill you!
I couldn't find any references on the toxicity of mulberries for ducks or birds in general. ASCAP lists them as non-toxic to horses, cats, and dogs.

Based on the lack of information and the prevalence of mulberries in north America I'd wager it's safe.
My biggest concern would be spoiled berries on the ground or ducks overindulging in the berries.
Just wanted to say a super helpful thread for those of us new to ducks. Thanks so much for the info guys!!!!
we try.

hopefully I'll have some ifo soon to update it. We've experimented with making "cakes" with "frosting" for ducky birthdays, made them muffins, ect that I'm sure everyone would love recipes for. We also make a "DE soup". I hope to have time soon to add those to the list of fun treats!
Huh...I never knew ducklings could have plain yogurt. I make my own yogurt so I'll try giving them some with a little lettuce. That kind of sounds disgusting...but then again they're ducklings.
I'm assuming this list is fairly good for goslings/geese too? Both being waterfowl and all?
the main difference between this list for ducks and goslings/geese, is tat geese may not like as many of the live animal treats like goldfish. I hear they like worms, but they are mostly vegetarians and don't eat fish. Someone can correct me on this for pet geese. I'm still learning about them! the hazardous foods are the same, and any of the greens/veggies/fruits are all good for geese too.

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