The ups & downs of novice chicken owners.

...because every clutch we have had that chick has turned out to be a hen!...I am interested to hear what ya'll think.
I haven't had chickens long enough to render and educated opinion, BUT this is definitely true in cats and dogs! Esp. cats. The females are always more driven. In the show dog world, if I ever had a male that exhibited these tendencies early on, he was never a good show prospect, and gave me trouble his entire life! Afghan hounds are usually very catlike - light on their feet, very independent, aloof unless you can meet a particular need. Very self-serving. Males are usually very laid back and lazy - unless they are fighting, and then they are formidable!

Children off to school already, animals fed. I have GOT to clean this house before it hairs over! Pep Rally tonight. No chicken fun.

They aren't even through with football yet, and they're already signing up for basketball At least it's indoors, and the cold weather is coming! I actually like basketball and baseball. BJ has never had a desire to play football, and I am not disappointed, but if he wanted to, I'd let him and support him. He does like basketball and absolutely LIVES for baseball. In fact, we delayed our move to Kermit to accommodate his baseball team.

The feathers being dropped by the little porcelain d'Uccle was just a preview...ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is dropping feathers now except for the chicks who are working hard at growing them. I just thought it'd be earlier in the year. Guess not. But, as I've stated before, it doesn't ever get cold cold here, and when it does, it's only a day or two. It does tend to dip lower her than is standard in San Antonio, but there is little or no moisture. And, the chickens have good shelter, so will try my best to not worry about them.

Something in me wants to save these feathers. Some of them are absolutely beautiful! I can't for the life of me think what to do with them, but I'm sure some craft project will arise that will put them to good use...esp. with a 6 year old who has just signed up for Brownie Scouts.

I fear our family is falling into the same trappings that we were mired down in in our "previous lives." Kids in extracurricular activities that eat up their "free" time. Sports practice, scouts, pep rallies, football games. Me chauffeuring them from place to place. It's not that I don't want them to participate, and make friends, and be a part of this community. It's just that we wanted to get away from such trappings, and that's why we moved here in the first place.

Which also leaves me to take care of their chickens. And it's not that I mind doing that...I like doing it, BUT, me doing it does not instill a sense of responsibility in them. Animal custodianship is a 7-day-a-week commitment, not an occasional convenience. I am really needing a "sit-down-and-discuss-this" session with Bryan. I hate having to play the "heavy" in something like this.

In my mind, it isn't fair, nor does it teach my kids much, for me to take care of and condition chickens and then let them show. How is that fair to their competitors who have put in the time? And what pride is there in showing and animal that you had little input on?

On the other hand, they are KIDS.

I don't particularly like this part of parenting...what's right, what's wrong, what's fair, what's not, are they missing out, and if so, what are they missing? UGH!

I see your predicament. Your kids are wanting to carry on like they always did because that's what they always did. Restrict to one sport or team per year perhaps. Everyone goes through wrenching decisions at one time or another. We just do the best we can.
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I think E.C. Activities should be limited for kids. Kids can suffer the same stresses as an over worked adult. Then they can become neglectful, resentful, bad tempered and over tired. Then we adults have a tendency to say the kids are just going through a phase when really, it is just too much on their plates. Priorities need to be established. Home work, home chores, then sports scouts etcetera...

My boys father wants the boys to take music lessons, boxing, football and dance of some form. I told him only one thing a season. We are not going to have their lives scheduled so fully that there is no time to relax. They will have that soon enough when they are adults. Maybe with a schedule that is not rush rush rush everyday they will reach adulthood and remember personal time must be there to center themselves. Not only that, but the added stress for ME to make all those things happen would make me a not happy person.
I think E.C. Activities should be limited for kids. Kids can suffer the same stresses as an over worked adult. Then they can become neglectful, resentful, bad tempered and over tired. Then we adults have a tendency to say the kids are just going through a phase when really, it is just too much on their plates. Priorities need to be established. Home work, home chores, then sports scouts etcetera...
My boys father wants the boys to take music lessons, boxing, football and dance of some form. I told him only one thing a season. We are not going to have their lives scheduled so fully that there is no time to relax. They will have that soon enough when they are adults. Maybe with a schedule that is not rush rush rush everyday they will reach adulthood and remember personal time must be there to center themselves. Not only that, but the added stress for ME to make all those things happen would make me a not happy person.
Amen. I sure wish my oldest daughter would think like you.
I agree. Since my eldest daughter started going through puberty she gets so worn out easily. We only do one extra mural activity at a time now. To all the over competitve moms out there ...I dont care my daughter has nothing to prove. She is happy and now has a balanced life...even kids need time to be bored every now and then. The best is when I find her at the end of a long day lying in the hammock with her favourite silkie in her arms.
Not only that, if they are so busy, with no time to just stop to think, they will lay in bed at night, trying to get to sleep, but all the things that they didn't have time to stop and think over during the day are now running through their heads, and that cuts into sleep.
My lavender pekins have hatched I got five. My hen, Bella left the nest two days ago and left behind three eggs. i candled them the one was a dud the other two looked fine. so i popped them under my other bantam that is brooding. The one egg hatched early this morning but when i went to check my bantam had kicked it out the nest and it was lying cold. when i picked it up to throw it away it breathed eventhough its head hung limply in my hand. well its worth a try.. I thought and put it in my bra wrapped in my mohair scarf together with the other chick that had just hatched. Thirty minutes later it was cheeping, and jumping around. It has got stronger as the day is passing and i think it will be able to join its siblings walking about tomorrow.
It's been more than a week since Bree posted. I certainly hope everything is going well for these great people.
My lavender pekins have hatched I got five.  My hen, Bella left the nest two days ago and left behind three eggs. i candled them the one was a dud the other two looked fine.  so i popped them under my other bantam that is brooding.  The one egg hatched early this morning but when i went to check my bantam had kicked it out the nest and it was lying cold. when i picked it up to throw it away it breathed eventhough its head hung limply in my hand.  well its worth a try.. I thought and put it in my bra wrapped in my mohair scarf together with the other chick that had just hatched. Thirty minutes later it was cheeping,  and jumping around.  It has got stronger as the day is passing and i think it will be able to join its siblings walking about tomorrow. 
That's great! Hopefully you can sneak that baby back in the nest at night and have it accepted by mom!

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