*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Alfric hurried down the narrow corridor, diving into an even smaller, darker one, when he heard footsteps approaching. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but why? Who would care that he was here, anyway? He was here on the Princes authority. Yet still, he did not move. Pressing himself flat against the wall and holding his breath as the footsteps passed him by. He exhaled, waited a few more moments, then emerged from the shadows and continued on. He had come from the kitchens, so this corridor must lead to the hall.
Fawn decided that staying in her room would be pointless if she wasn't going to sleep. She finished lacing up here gown and grabbed the candle off the table. She exited her room, closing the door quietly behind her, and made her way down the many halls. She figured her best bet would be to just go to the west wing and if luck was on her side, she'd run into Alfric.
Now that her shoulder was all gooped up, Herja was more than content to lean back on her good side. The medicine was quite soothing on her angry shoulder, and she could not help but pass out again for sheer exhaustion.
( yay, I'm back home from my trip driving to and from California! Round trip was 3400 miles, toting 3 rather young kids. I'm hoping not to have to do that again any time soon!)
( yay, I'm back home from my trip driving to and from California! Round trip was 3400 miles, toting 3 rather young kids. I'm hoping not to have to do that again any time soon!)
(Wow sounds exhausting :lol: Glad you're back and safe :thumbsup

Sadly, I think this is dying. Athaid has left us (still haven't forgiven her for that) and the owner hasn't been on in way too long, as have the other players here. There's just not much to go on :/ if you have any ideas, shoot me with them.)

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