*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Gwen gave Edmund a pilot curtsey. "My pleasure." She sat a few seats away from the king. She saw the masked gentleman she danced with previously sitting in the corner looking at her. She gave a small wave.

Peter sighed. "What are we going to do?"

Audric raised a questioning eyebrow at Mariah. "You haven't gone and replaced me have you?"

Alena had to stop for a moment and think. "And I found some tea. You had just left, and it was still warm."
Gwen gave Edmund a pilot curtsey. "My pleasure." She sat a few seats away from the king. She saw the masked gentleman she danced with previously sitting in the corner looking at her. She gave a small wave.

Peter sighed. "What are we going to do?"

Audric raised a questioning eyebrow at Mariah. "You haven't gone and replaced me have you?"

Alena had to stop for a moment and think. "And I found some tea. You had just left, and it was still warm."
Edmund wandered off to attend some late guests.
William decided he would dare, and perhaps be able to find out more about the young woman. He came over slowly, taking his time as he weaved through a crowd of people. "Good evening, again," he smiled slightly.

"About what?" Linnet asked quietly.

Mariah laughed lightly. "Of course not, dear," she replied. "No, I wouldn't dare do that." She turned slightly in her chair. "This is quite a delightful gathering, do you not think?"

(Richard, Fawn, Redd, and Edmund are open)
"I believe I drank the tea you gave me before I left," Edwin said, frowning.

(Oh @madampoofybrow where art thou?)
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Gwen smiled brightly. "Good evening to you."

"We can't keep this quiet forever." Peter said softly.

Audric snorted. "Is that what you think of it?" He replied sarcastically.

"But...the note?" Alena was beyond confused.
Gwen smiled brightly. "Good evening to you."

"We can't keep this quiet forever." Peter said softly.

Audric snorted. "Is that what you think of it?" He replied sarcastically.

"But...the note?" Alena was beyond confused.
William looked around nonchalantly, then returned his gaze to Gwen. "I've just been out on the veranda. Lovely evening, breeze is just perfect," he commented. Holding out his hand, he asked boldly, "Would you care to go out there?"

Linnet sighed. This seemed to be the topic of the day. "My dear, we keep coming back to this. If it is bothering you and your conscious that much, then we'll simply tell. It will certainly have to come out eventually, but I think it not necessarily necessary quite yet," she replied.

"Indeed. And do you not?" Mariah asked, but didn't expect an answer. Her mood had taken a complete turn since their arrival, perhaps due to the happy news recently given her.
"The note?" Edwin asked, growing more concerned with this story as it proceeded.
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"With a stranger?" Gwen asked in mock despair.

Peter growled in frustration. "It isn't safe for you...or the baby." He added with a touch of concern.

Audric shrugged and returned to his plate.


"The one you left me." Alena said as if it was obvious.
"With a stranger?" Gwen asked in mock despair.

Peter growled in frustration. "It isn't safe for you...or the baby." He added with a touch of concern.

Audric shrugged and returned to his plate.
"The one you left me." Alena said as if it was obvious.
"Well then," William looked around the room. "I'm sure that lovely lady over there would be delighted to join me," he said with a sigh, feigning disappointment.

Linnet tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Or you," she murmured.
"The one I left you. What one?" Edwin was completely confused and his face, if not his tone of voice, showed it.
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"Her?" Gwen gasped. "Oh she is such a bore!" She exclaimed in a fit of giggles.

Peter shook his head. "No. Dont worry about me."

"You left a note....with the tea." Alena said slowly.
"Her?" Gwen gasped. "Oh she is such a bore!" She exclaimed in a fit of giggles.

Peter shook his head. "No. Dont worry about me."

"You left a note....with the tea." Alena said slowly.
"I can't imagine her being all that boring," William said seriously. "It's either go talk to her, or simply stand here by myself. I would ask you to dance, but I'm not much fond of this song," he had to raise his voice to be heard over the music.

"Peter, how can I not? It's not the king and queen of Alnwick that we should think a concern," Linnet sighed.
"Alena, I left no note and no tea," Edwin said, completely serious
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Gwen rolled her eyes. "She's much too careful and cheery. No adventure in that one."

"Nevermind. I'm sorry to have brought it up." Peter said grumpily.

Alena frowned. "It had you signature."

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