*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Despite the waves of heat rolling of the fire, Alena began to shiver. "What do we do?" She whispered through chattering teeth.
Gwen nodded and leaned against the banister. "These gatherings last forever." She complained mildly.

Peter paused his conversation when he noticed Linnet was staring off. He followed her gaze. He saw a saw a tall man chatting nonchalantly with a young women. "Who is that?" He asked, a touch defensively.
"Indeed. I take it you don't enjoy the length of them?" William asked, closing the door behind them.

"I'm not sure," Linnet said. The woman sounded a bit like Gwen, but she couldn't be positive because the couple's voices weren't entirely clear. She felt around for her mask to put on before realizing she had left it on the banister a few feet away. "Oh dear," she murmured.
Despite the waves of heat rolling of the fire, Alena began to shiver. "What do we do?" She whispered through chattering teeth.

"I'll talk to my father as soon as he returns," Edwin said. "And If he refuses to talk, I'll have to turn to his advisor. But I don't want my mother the queen in on this, at least for now," he said, oblivious that the queen was the cause of their problems.
( yes I noticed
(My cow just gave birth, so that was why I was gone! :D)

Arabella messed with her fingernails and sat down at a table with a cup of water. Parties were always such a bore, just talking until everything ended and you got to leave, but you were expected to go anyway despite the fact that nothing good could come out of it.
She knew all of these thoughts were extremely negative, and rather silly, but she tended to never be positive in social events.

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