*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

"Ah," Mariah relaxed. "And are yu close to the royal family?" She asked softly
"Sir Richard (can't-remember-last-name) at your service," Richard said with an elegant bow. "Now, is it simply Arabella, or do you have a title? Not that it would affect my opinion of you, of course," he said.
(I don't know the title for Advisors, so let's just pretend that they don't have fancy titles. Don't judge me, okay? LOL)

"I am the King's Advisor, but I am not part of the royal family, so no." Arabella replied simply, bowing her head respectively.
(I don't know the title for Advisors, so let's just pretend that they don't have fancy titles. Don't judge me, okay? LOL)

"I am the King's Advisor, but I am not part of the royal family, so no." Arabella replied simply, bowing her head respectively. 
(William is the Alnwick advisor, he's a Duke )

"Well, that's is quite the position," Richard chuckled. "And not one that I would of pictured a lovely maiden such as yourself would be in."
(William is the Alnwick advisor, he's a Duke )

"Well, that's is quite the position," Richard chuckled. "And not one that I would of pictured a lovely maiden such as yourself would be in."
Arabella smiled softly.
"I cannot say I wasn't surprised when I obtained the position. I thought I would have no chance, but the King did trust me, so I suppose it makes sense." She said.
"But I am merely an advisor, no royal blood in me, so I don't believe you should treat me any differently."
"Oh, well sorry if I disappointed you" he said in a bland tone
"No, you're haven't," Mariah said. "Good evening," she said abruptly and walked off. The conversation hadn't ended much to her liking. More info would of been nice, but the young prince didn't seem much the talkative type.

Arabella smiled softly.
"I cannot say I wasn't surprised when I obtained the position. I thought I would have no chance, but the King did trust me, so I suppose it makes sense." She said. 
"But I am merely an advisor, no royal blood in me, so I don't believe you should treat me any differently."
"And what were you before advisor?" Richard asked.
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"And what were you before advisor?" Richard asked.

"I was just a citizen before. My father was a blacksmith, so I mostly helped him with his work. I somehow managed to become an acquaintance with the King, and eventually I became his trusted advisor." Arabella told him.

(This has happened before (someone who is extremely low in ranking becomes an advisor), so while it's uncommon it's not impossible.)
"I was just a citizen before. My father was a blacksmith, so I mostly helped him with his work. I somehow managed to become an acquaintance with the King, and eventually I became his trusted advisor." Arabella told him. 

(This has happened before (someone who is extremely low in ranking becomes an advisor), so while it's uncommon it's not impossible.)
"Interesting," was Richard's blunt reply. He was silent for a minute, thinking, then asked, "How is the king?" He looked over where the king now sat and where he had been sitting for the majority of the evening.
Gwen nodded and leaned against the banister. "These gatherings last forever." She complained mildly.

Peter paused his conversation when he noticed Linnet was staring off. He followed her gaze. He saw a saw a tall man chatting nonchalantly with a young women. "Who is that?" He asked, a touch defensively.
"Indeed. I take it you don't enjoy the length of them?" William asked, closing the door behind them.

"I'm not sure," Linnet said. The woman sounded a bit like Gwen, but she couldn't be positive because the couple's voices weren't entirely clear. She felt around for her mask to put on before realizing she had left it on the banister a few feet away. "Oh dear," she murmured.
Despite the waves of heat rolling of the fire, Alena began to shiver. "What do we do?" She whispered through chattering teeth.

"I'll talk to my father as soon as he returns," Edwin said. "And If he refuses to talk, I'll have to turn to his advisor. But I don't want my mother the queen in on this, at least for now," he said, oblivious that the queen was the cause of their problems.
(Here you go, Crazychick. Just in case you can't find it :p )
"Interesting," was Richard's blunt reply. He was silent for a minute, thinking, then asked, "How is the king?" He looked over where the king now sat and where he had been sitting for the majority of the evening.
"The King is fine. Just rather stressed due to the conflict between the two kingdoms, and trying to figure everything out reasonably." Arabella replied and sighed. "The King is not really any different than he has been for quite a while."

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