*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

"The King is fine. Just rather stressed due to the conflict between the two kingdoms, and trying to figure everything out reasonably." Arabella replied and sighed. "The King is not really any different than he has been for quite a while."
Richard nodded solemnly. "Well that is a great pity," he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I wonder that I've never seen you before," he said, turning his attention back to Arabella. "Does the king not let you out often?"
"Indeed. I take it you don't enjoy the length of them?" William asked, closing the door behind them.

"I'm not sure," Linnet said. The woman sounded a bit like Gwen, but she couldn't be positive because the couple's voices weren't entirely clear. She felt around for her mask to put on before realizing she had left it on the banister a few feet away. "Oh dear," she murmured.
"I'll talk to my father as soon as he returns," Edwin said. "And If he refuses to talk, I'll have to turn to his advisor. But I don't want my mother the queen in on this, at least for now," he said, oblivious that the queen was the cause of their problems.

Gwen was became slightly nervous when he shut the door. Aside from the couple talking several yards away, they were completely alone. (I suppose I should have said meters considering how this is a European kingdom but oh well)

"I should probably get back inside." Peter started. "The queen may notice my absence."

Alena nodded slowly. "I suppose I will have to leave then."
Gwen became slightly nervous when he shut the door. Aside from the couple talking several yards away, they were completely alone. (I suppose I should have said meters considering how this is a European kingdom but oh well)

"I should probably get back inside." Peter started. "The queen may notice my absence."

Alena nodded slowly. "I suppose I will have to leave then."
(Isn't Kat down there somewhere?)
"Much quieter out here," William observed. He leaned against the banister and looked around below them. Much of the orchard could be seen from here, as well as some of the gardens of you looked hard enough

"Yes, of course," Linnet straightened. "I should as well, before Gwen or someone else comes looking for me." She kept her back to the door, still unsure of who the other people were.
"Is that entirely necessary, really?" Edwin asked, "because I don't think either of us would be very pleased with that arrangement."
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(Isn't Kat down there somewhere?)
"Much quieter out here," William observed. He leaned against the banister and looked around below them. Much of the orchard could be seen from here, as well as some of the gardens of you looked hard enough

"Yes, of course," Linnet straightened. "I should as well, before Gwen or someone else comes looking for me." She kept her back to the door, still unsure of who the other people were.
"Is that entirely necessary, really?" Edwin asked, "because I don't think either of us would be very pleased with that arrangement."

"But sometimes noise isn't so bad." Gwen said nervously messing with the seem of her gown. "Sometimes silence is louder than noise."

Peter squeezed Linnet's hand but paused the doors. He quickly stepped back and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Linnet."

"Of course I wouldn't be happy, but I would at least be safe." Alena said quietly.
( I'm something alright.
"But sometimes noise isn't so bad." Gwen said nervously messing with the seem of her gown. "Sometimes silence is louder than noise."

Peter squeezed Linnet's hand but paused the doors. He quickly stepped back and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Linnet."

"Of course I wouldn't be happy, but I would at least be safe." Alena said quietly.
"One can barely talk over noise. At least, over that noise," William nodded his head towards the ballroom.

Linnet smiled sadly as Peter left. She waited a minute, pretending to admire a potted plant by the door, before returning inside to all the noise and lights. Richard immediately spotted her and came over, apparently concerned for so long an absence.
"Where have you been?" He asked, sounding slightly ticked off.
Trying to keep her voice calm, Linnet said, "Why should that be of any concern to you?" She smiled thinly. Richard simply nodded and offered her his arm, which she promptly refused, saying she wanted to sit for a while.
("Babe, you know what they say, love isn't always safe" :lau #sorrynotsorry )

Katrina knocked loudly on the door and entered, bearing yet another tray of tea. Edwin stood up and backed away so Katrina could set the tray on the side table. After a minute of awkward silence, Edwin interrupted with, "I think I shall retire to my father's library for a while."
Katrina looked up but then quickly returned her attention to the tray. "Are ye not gong to the ball?" She asked timidly.
"Ah, no. Even if I were to leave now, much of the fun would be over. Besides, I'm tired," he replied lamely.

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