*The Verge of War* A Medieval Rp

Herja tried to get back to sleep, avoiding the throbbing open wound on her shoulder. It was rather disruptive, and she heaved a big sigh, struggling to get back to sleep.
After some effort, her exhaustion overcame her discomfort in a battle of mind over pain. Herja drifted off again.
Katrina grabbed a couple rolls that had been left out to cool and studied them in an apron pocket. Surely the warrior lady would appreciate them. She backed out of the kitchen door, looking this way and that, then once out of the castle, broke into nearly a full run. With the family being absent, the guard was lacking so no one was there to stop her at the stable entrance.
Alfric peeled the rest of his clothes off, they were dirty and dusty and sticky, and foul. He let them fall to the floor then tested the water with his toe. It was fine, so he pulled the tub rght in front of the fire and sat down in it.
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Katrina grabbed a couple rolls that had been left out to cool and studied them in an apron pocket. Surely the warrior lady would appreciate them. She backed out of the kitchen door, looking this way and that, then once out of the castle, broke into nearly a full run. With the family being absent, the guard was lacking so no one was there to stop her at the stable entrance.

Several horses stamped and snorted in the dark upon hearing the latch open. Herja heard as in a dream.
Alfric's shoulder was hot and tingling as he washed over it with the cooling water. The paste Fawn had put on him was resisting the water, like wax. He decided it was best not to try and remove it. He scrubbed himself clean, then stood and shook as much water from himself as he could. The water was a pale brown when he was done, a dead spider floating across the surface like a boat. He grabbed the linen towel and dried himself off, then dressed himself. The clothes Anne had left for him were plain, but well made, and most importantly - clean.
Several horses stamped and snorted in the dark upon hearing the latch open. Herja heard as in a dream.
Katrina stepped quietly into the entrance of the stable and listened intently for any sounds that would indicate a guard. Nothing. Nothing but the snorts of a horse or two. "Herja?" She whispered loudly as she peered into the stall.

(Herja told Katrina her name, right?) :p )
Katrina stepped quietly into the entrance of the stable and listened intently for any sounds that would indicate a guard. Nothing. Nothing but the snorts of a horse or two. "Herja?" She whispered loudly as she peered into the stall.

(Herja told Katrina her name, right?) :p )

(Yep, she did) Herja heard someone calling to her softly, an echo from without of the dream. It tugged at her consciousness, nagging at her to wake." Mmmhfph I'm not ready to get up yet, I rowed the last shift. You take this one," she mumbled incoherently. She sighed heavily in her sleep and rolled over, a bit of straw poking into her gaping wound.
That definitely woke her, and, cursing under her breath, she sat up, rubbing her temples. She realized where she was again. " Oh yeah, I'm in a random nobleman's stables..." she stated to herself.
Alfric stretched his good arm, flexed his fingers, cracked his neck, and straightened his back. Rolling his shoulders sent a shiver of pain down his spine, but still the tiredness clung to him like honey, his lids still drooped heavily after every blink. He ran his fingers through his scruffy hair, thinking. Where to next? He yawned and took a seat on the edge of the bed. A million different things were running through his head, swirling, melting, blending together and forming new thoughts, new memories, new ideas. He blinked again as if to clear the fog from his mind, but he could see no clearer. And the fire was so sublime.. so warm.. He yawned again, his eyes wet with tears. Just a moment.. To ease the pain of my shoulder.. He sank back into the feather mattress, and no sooner had his head touched the pillow then he was fast asleep.
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