The world of Kinto (Restart) *Needs players*

Realization hit her faster then a bullet." Humans." She roared angrily, staring at the humans watching them. She bared ehr teeth at them.
Longclaw then looked at the tag at her ear. She flicked her ear, and it had none. She walked over to Shira." I could help you take that off?" She asked.
Loku appeared next to Cathi.

Bryce appeared next to Ptari. He looked around. "It's sad, isn't it," he whispered, his eyes clouding up.
Ptari felt tears run down her face "This was where I grew up and now it's gone" said Ptari

Marzipan choked through the thick smoke " why" he said sadly. Then continued angrily "we will destroy them, their home and their lives" he said brutally!
Cathi's eyes were angry "I don't say this often but I want to kill these humans every last one" said Cathi then turned looking at Loku "What do you say?" asked Cathi

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