There Are NO Words...... Somebody Call The Tabloids!

That was a while back!

He didn't last, kept leaving the nest and then abandoned "his" eggs completely after a couple or three days. Rats, I was going to get rich and retire off of him!

I had deleted the pic, but I found it!

Thanks for the smile I needed it today just not having a great day. Started the day off with a flair so this made me feel better. I love cats I love all animals I can't ever picture my life with out them. I do have an old retired farm cat that when one rescued female cat had kittens he would catch the babies and give them baths they hated it but they do love sleeping with him and they are grown now.
This was a good laugh for me and I really needed after yesterday. My parents had a dog that would go sit in with the baby kittens when momma would go to eat and do her biz,but that was either when I was very young or before I was born so some 40+ yrs ago

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