

Sep 3, 2020
I decided to make my own incubator and would like to know if I should use a water heater thermostat or an incubator thermostat or if it even matters?
Don't use the water thermostat it's terrible at maintaining the right temps. Get a digital thermostat like the picture below or something similar. Not expensive either.

Based on bits and pieces people have posted here and elsewhere that is the more common one used, you just have to be comfortable with doing some wiring. If you type in Inkbird to search here, there are some not great comments but more favorable ones, if I recall.
imo if your going to get fancy making an incubator might as well buy one .. less hassle and the engineering is already done lol ... ive successfully hatched eggs in a plastic tub from walmart with just a 5$, accurate, temp/humidity gauge and a shoplight with a 60w bulb in it .. it could be built to any scale you want within the tub sizes available, and theres alot .. a cardboard box that fits in half the tub will hold the eggs, sitting on folded up chicken wire that holds it a couple of inches off the bottom, water goes in the bottom, a shoplight with a bulb to suit the size tub sits in the open end facing down on the wire, gauges go in the box with the eggs .. use the lid and or towels draped over it to get it stable ... no thermostat needed if its in a stable external environment .. just monitor the setup several days before you get started to get it stabilized where you want it ..
Yeah, I’ve read about people having problems with the water heater thermostat - just not designed for the precision needed, I guess?

I’ve been having good success with a plug and play Inkbird thermostat. I’m not very electrical savvy at all, so I ‘dished’ out for the plug and play. If you are okay with a little wiring there are cheaper units available.

These sorts of ones are exclusively for incubators but can be used for other activities like home brewing, gardening, and terrariums, if that will help with your search.

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