They all SANK..are they still good?


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
I have 10 hens...a few days ago i noticed that i was only getting 4 eggs a day..then it went right back to 8 eggs a day so i figured everyone "cycled" at the same time...

My DS was just outside and hit the jackpot
14 eggs

how do I know if they are still good?

they all SINK.. (LOL) so I assume they are all still fresh. The location of the eggs were in a very well shaded spot and the night time temps are still cool (long pants and jacket cool)

so do you think the eggs are still good?

ETA:..change float to sank cause i had a brain lapse

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*&^&$^%#^%&^...yr right...i got side tracked!!!!...they all

They should all be fine, as long as they don't float. It is a good thing they were in a cool spot. The warmer weather is making me nervous, so I check for eggs a couple of times a day. Good luck with your girls!
Sink = fresh
Float = not as fresh

Good and bad are relative. What this is about is the air cell. The egg loses moisture to the atmosphere through respiration as it sits there. (...the eggshell is porous and "breathes")

When that happens, the air cell in the egg grows larger. The larger it gets, the more readily it will float. In dry climates, this could happen quicker than in more humid ones
Its one of those "old wisdom" things that appeals to our sense of the lurid, but can be variable in application. In those good old days we love to recall, they also suggested you eat the infertile eggs from the incubator, up to 14 days. Fresh? no. Edible? Well, again, that's relative I suppose.

I'm assuming these were ground lays, ie, eggs not lain in the nest. If its as cool as you say, I would think they are still edible even if not as fresh as we'd like them.

The sure way to know if the egg is good is to try it out. Scramble up some and see what happens. If you don't like them, scramble the rest and feed them back to the chickens. I might also suggest you get your hens laying in nests, and/or visit them more often
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I gather my eggs a couple times a day

and i visit with my hens about 8X a day

and my hens have 8 nests to use

but someone (or 2) was obviously waiting to go out to free range before she laid her egg
I gather my eggs a couple times a day

and i visit with my hens about 8X a day

and my hens have 8 nests to use

but someone (or 2) was obviously waiting to go out to free range before she laid her egg

Thats egg-cellent! I had kinda missed that sort of information from your iniital post.
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