They keep overturning the nestboxes!

Cats use to litter in my yard until I got chickens. I hardly see any cats in my yard anymore. My rooster is kind of big and very protective.
The cat next door has been caught more than once sticking his arm in my chicken run. Unfortunately, I have several neighbors that let their cats roam freely and are causing havoc in all of the yards in the area. They are a plague and go into everyone's houses! We keep our cats safely indoors.
The cat next door has been caught more than once sticking his arm in my chicken run. Unfortunately, I have several neighbors that let their cats roam freely and are causing havoc in all of the yards in the area. They are a plague and go into everyone's houses! We keep our cats safely indoors.

Animal control won't do anything?
but the lose neighbor cats turn any garden I make into a litter box, so I never set it up.
Cats use to litter in my yard until I got chickens. I hardly see any cats in my yard anymore. My rooster is kind of big and very protective. The cats are afraid of him.
I can leave my coop door open at night and nothing will happen. However, the cats will eat baby chicks if I let them run around unattended.

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