They killed my babies... and got away with it. :(

I hope you realize by now that we are not taking this as a joke. (Maybe someone did, and I missed it, but certainly not most of the replyers.) And I think it is evident he did not eat them, that this was an excuse or cover. Most likely he had no idea what he was taking, that they would not be "eating eggs," never mind show quality chicks.

In some cultures, a partially developed chick is a delicacy, in case you did not know this, though.

You should certainly have some legal recourse if you wish to pursue that. But the whole thing sounds to me like a horrible mistake, a theft that was perceived as picking up a few eggs to eat, rather than what it really was. Granted, it should not have happened, the child was out of bounds. Your choice.
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I am SHOCKED at the post i have read, yall are telling a child to call the police, raise a stink, get punitive damages, holler, jump up and down, CLEARLY can you not see she is through out the post defending her Ag teacher, over worked, many students to deal with....this is like a dog eat dog war, Please keep in mind the stress that teens endure with peer pressure, OUTING someone, the reprecussions that could follow....I am sadden at how quick yall are to GO FOR BLOOD...this is a kid that is wanting to vent, putting ideas of vengence in there heads is helping what???? Improve an already bad situation? Just my opinion I'm done here


PS how does poster know this 17 yr old kid actually ate baby chics? i mean really think about it........duh
Well, I couldn't sue him even if I wanted too. They never read anything or signed anything that said they couldn't take eggs. Although it's fairly obvious that they shouldn't, it's not posted that they can't. And you can take eggs from some of the chickens that are owned by the class--of course you should only take them from the shed, after they have been collected by the chicken owners who know what they are doing.

And I don't want to anyways. What's done is done, I still highly doubt that he is capable of even thinking about stealing my chickens (I have met him before), and if he did kill my chicks, it was probably an accident--an incredibly stupid accident, and while he should be taking animal life more seriously, it's something I can't hold against him.

Like it's been mentioned before... I came here to vent, the only reason I thought they could of been stolen, was because I wanted them to still be alive... I'm sorry for misleading any of you into any other conclusions.
Sounds like you have been more than reasonable. Sorry you had to go through this. I assume you have talked to the school. There are certainly some lessons to be learned by the students here.

Sad situation.
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I am shocked that someone would think theft by any person let alone a 17 yo is acceptable. Let's look at it as if he did eat the eggs with fully developed chicks, that is very very disturbed. The obvious is that the other two hatched chicks disappeared too. This is not about blood, this is about a future society problem being brought to take responsibility for his actions. Theft, and make no bones about it, it was theft, I have no doubt that he knew when he took the two live chicks that he didn't know what he was doing. Nobody is that slow unless in a special school, and I had a SIL who worked at one of those and they never had a problem such as this.

If everything the OP said is correct this is theft plain and clear, even if the kid did not know what he was stealing I guarantee the father did seeing he was involved too. This was a crime of opportunity, the chicks were there, they had a value and he wanted them. They are probably sold to a buyer for much less than what they are worth.
WalkingWolf........Carefully read the first post....then follow along....I know all about special Ed to....comprehension is what is lacking in this thread, yes disturbing indeed....A KID IS VENTING....don't make it something more than a lesson learned...theft of any nature indeed is a crime!!!! nobody has questioned that....until you know , and thats THE REST OF THE you believe everything you read? wonder i never get many replys of my questions here, i don't start out with KILLER ON THE LOOSE subject line....
Please reread the if everything the OP has stated. No offense but stealing is wrong if the OP is correct. Vent or not eating live fully developed chicks is sick. I take every post as honest unless a poster has a history that I have seen of not being fully correct. I think it is very possible that the OP is of a age where she knows what is right and wrong. It is her decision to do what she feels is appropriate.

Other poster and myself offered our opinions WITHOUT slighting anyone other than the thief. It is within her rights to contact authorities if she feels there was a crime. Those authorities could be the teacher, school officials, or the police. I do think it is WRONG to think a child no matter how old she be helpless not to contact the proper person out of peer pressure whether here or anywhere else.

This may be innocent, or it may not. Again anyone that would eat a live fully developed chick is sick and a future problem to society. Profilers will tell you that almost all serial killers start with animal cruelty. This may not be the case but the posters here who recognize the signals should not be slighted. If it IS not the case I am sure she for obvious reasons would not contact authorities. If there is no case I am sure the authorities would not jail the 17 yo and throw away the key.
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Honestly Fellina, Im really starting to wonder that same thing...Im near exhaustion, work full time, fly home to tend to my critters, get online to visit my favorite place for information and read, WHAT, a kid ate my almost hatched chics....oh for heavens sake, if yall believe that, i got some ocean front property in ....well you know....Im gonna go eat a piece of cake and smoke a cigerette , two things i gave up .....but maybe when i wake up in the morning i won't remember what i did wrong night before ....btw my son was deaf until he was 5 years old, i had to challenge the state of Tennessee ....he graduated high school as a special Ed this DAY i volunteer to work at special olympics, and i love my backyard chickens....I am a wireless operator for AT&T ...and my now GROWN son had his first child 4-29-09 , buried my husband two months before he started kindergarden....Nieve i was, today i watch and observe....i only posted in this thread because i don't just read and judge, i watch and observe....poster has tried more than once to back up and set it straight, but folks wonder what drives someone forward....hmmm

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