They killed my babies... and got away with it. :(

As a retired law enforcement officer, I would suggest that you should take the issue as high as you can go. Unless you signed a contract or made an agreement that allow people involved in the program to take your fowl, he should at least compensate you for the value of the chicks. SO, I think you should make sure that whomever is running the program that they need be explicitly clear about what is allowed and what is not, which includes stealing show chicken eggs. Also, I would suggest giving this person(actually his father, since he is IS still a minor), an itemized bill for each and every chick.
also retired LEO
I guess I am lost here. I had no idea that this was just a "vent" post...especially when the OP stated that people weren't taking the issue seriously.

Usually my reading comprehension is pretty high, but, again, this is the internet. Without the poster's name, photo, identification (which I understand is not provided for safety reasons), I can only take any post at face value.

Regardless of anything else, I think that there is a problem when people take the "liberty" of helping themselves to something that does not belong to them. I also feel badly that the OP lost something that meant so much to them. I also believe that SOMETHING should be done, at some level, to prevent something like this from happening in the future.

People of all ages should learn how to protect themselves and their property. If the OP doesn't want to do anything about it, then that is fine, but it needs to be a decision made from choice, not lack of knowing there are alternatives.
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Yeah, I have to agree with this. Offering up advice and suggestions to someone, even if they were venting, shouldn't be frowned upon if the suggestions are within her rights as an owner. It's her decision in the end whether or not to move forward on this matter. Even if she doesn't, the suggestions could potentially help her in the future should anything remotely similar to this happen. She will come away from this topic with a little more knowledge and surely a little more confidence knowing that there are steps she can take.

I also understand that she is a high school student and they are under pressure and making waves can just add stress. At least she posted here and if this guy causes any more problems in the future with anyone, maybe she can stand behind them and show where he has been a problem in the past, by showing this thread. He may just be a flake, or he could be disturbed. She may file charges, she might write it off as a learning experience. I wish her the best. But I think everyone posted here has the same intentions, to just help her out. Doesn't need to turn into a debate I don't believe.
Welcome to the new Amerika.

Cheer up, though, they're just chickens and can be replaced in 21 days. However, if they were mine, they'd be doing that somewhere else.

The spelling deliberate?
I don't know what Balut is, but in this country it is an abnormal thing to eat fully formed chicks.

Unless this kid actually IS from a country of another background, I vote for something is wrong with him, and the father also.

I do understand that other nationalities have other customs, but nothing has been said that indicates he is from another nationality.

And I doubt that their customs include stealing being ok, wherever he is from.
First off, I said I was a student in an ag-program. Second, I meant that people in my ag-program (not on this website) are not taking it seriously. I've always said this before.

Something is being done, we are making a new rule that only people who own chickens can collect eggs.
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Write a letter to the head of the ag program. Did you have a contract with them, even a verbal one? The eggs were stolen while in their care. Ask the program for compensation. You can take this to small claims court. If they want to pursue the other student, that's their business, but you should be compensated for your monetary loss.
First off, I said I was a student in an ag-program, I'm 16 years old. Not an adult, but not a kid either. Second, I meant that people in my ag-program (not on this website) are not taking it seriously. I've always said this before.

Something is being done, we are making a new rule that only people who own chickens can collect eggs.

Bricheze...thanks for coming to us with your venting. We are here to help you. Some people started reading this post and don't read it from the beginning. The bottom line here is that this boy's behavior was out of line regardless of whether he ate them or sold them. We want you to know you had options. Some kids aren't in ag by choice, as is the case here since the ag program changed, and just do what they need to do to get through school, not really caring. Others, like us, have a love of what nature can provide us and are duly insulted when our efforts are disrespected.

When I was in school, our district was too small for an ag program and I'm envious of you and your experiences. What you've discovered at your age is a huge learning curve for you and it will take you places. Do what you can to see that he's held responsible and chalk up this experience to ignorance and selfishness on his part. Ignorant, selfish people lead lonely lives.

I'm sorry, I am too literal....I saw that you kept your chickens there, but didn't assume you were one of the kids. My bad. I'm not criticizing you, honestly. I'm sorry if I'm coming across wrong. I'm just saying that it's hard to interpret things via the internet sometimes.

Edited to add: I DID read the entire post from the beginning. I honestly thought this was an adult who kept their chickens along with the kids from the ag program. Especially when I say the warning about adult topics.
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