They won't go into the coop at night

Ok we are 3 for 3!
I waited alot longer before I went out to check on them tonight. It was totally dark and I had to take the lantern with me so I could see when I went out. They were all next to each other in a row on the floor in the back corner of the coop.
I'll take that for a start. Now to progress them to the roost. Good luck with all your chicks.
DickGJ-I didn't have any light inside the coop, no electric to it. I do keep their food inside all the time though and they have to go in and out to get it. I think maybe it was because I waited so long to go out and check on them. Usually I go out just before dark. Now this morning when I went to open the coop to let them out they were all on the roost. They were not sleeping though so I am not sure when they got on it.
I'm still batting only .500 Half go in and the other half beds down underneath the coop. I have an extension cord that runs to the coop, so I'll try cutting the light altogether. First, they'll experience a lock down for a couple days. We'll see what happens later this week. I'm sure they got shook up last night...we had severe weather blow through with golf ball sized hail. It was a first for me since living here so I know it was a first for them. Hopefully the one thing they learned is that the coop kept them safe and that's the place to be at night. Congrats on your victory! Strangley enough, the five young "TSC pullets" I suspect to be roosters...are the ones that always head in first.
I feel your frustration. I had this happen with my chickens last year. I put them out in the coop/run in July, and for MONTHS they refused to go into the coop at night. I posted about it repeatedly, getting various suggestions, all of which I tried and none worked. Shut them in for a week, put a light in the coop, put treats in the coop, you name it, NOTHING worked. I'm in NH, and it was getting colder. They would huddle in a little pile in the corner of the run at night, even in the rain! I had to wait until they were asleep so they would be groggy, then carry them in one by one. Eventually, I even tried leaving them there, hoping they would go on their own. Winter approached, and I was getting scared. I was sure they would freeze. I hung a tarp over that corner of the run to block the wind for the little idiots. Everyone told me they'd catch on, but months had passed; I was sure I had the dumbest chickens ever. Then came the first snow. I was freaking out. I blocked the run with tarps, put hot water bottles near the corner where they slept and went to bed hoping for the best. I woke the next morning to about 8 inches of snow. I went out to the run, slowly, afraid of what I would find. I lifted the tarp and looked.... nothing. No chickens in sight. What the heck? I looked under the coop, where there is a gap, but they weren't under there. I stood there puzzled, and then sure enough, one popped her head out the pop door, which I had just been leaving open. One by one they came out, apprehensive and curious what the white stuff was. I couldn't believe it! They slept from July to December in the corner of the run, in the rain, in the dark and in the wind. But my very first snowfall, they SOMEHOW finally figured out that going in the house would be a good idea! And they've been going in every single night since then! I no longer worry about it, but it seemed to take MUCH longer than anyone here said it would.

I wish I had some brilliant advice for you, but I don't. I tried all the suggestions posted here, nothing worked until that first snowfall. All I can suggest is patience, because I really thought mine would NEVER get it, but they finally did.
@ Laurajean -- Glad to hear yours finally accomplished our goal. Only half of mine continue to go in...the other 7 bed down together under the coop next to a wheat straw bale. Even though it snows hear occaisionally, I live in South Carolina so if I have to wait for the white may be a while.
Well I'll be! Tonight they all went in by themselves! I told my wife I wanted to lock them up for a couple days...she came home from work and couldn't resist letting them out. I came home from work displeased, but once I started watching them...I admit, it was nice to see them enjoying their run. I did turn a fairly dim light on inside the coop before dark (6' rope LED light), and before it got dark they all slowly marched into the coop! Hurray, no trying to collect them from bedding down under the coop after dark with a flashlight in my mouth. I won't count my chickens too soon in claiming victory...tomorrow's another day!
Congrats! Mine haven't the past couple of nights. I think I'll risk it tonight and just leave 'em out. Cross your fingers that I don't wake up to carnage!
Well so far so good for me. They are going inside the coop. They still sleep on the floor rather than the roost though. Last night after they went in I went to close the door and they were in there jockeying for the best spot on the floor in the corner. Chickens go figure. I am going to try and put them on the roost tonight and see if it works. Good luck with your chickens everyone.

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