theyre fighting!!!!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 2, 2012
i found this chicken like a month ago,it was in a bad condition so i rescued it,it was starting to get really bored and destroying its coop(throwing its straw and that out) so i got it a friend, but they keep pecking eachover but apparently ts normal, how long until they sort it out because i want them to be happy!

The short answer is that it will take as long as it takes. Pecking Order behavior is complex and has its own set of rules that us humans don't completely understand.

They may never get along. Or, after a few weeks it may all work out. Frankly, with two mature birds in close confinement, the may never become "friends," but may somewhat tolerate each other if you are lucky.

My recommendation is to get more chickens so it is less of an issue. But, then again, I think everyone should have a flock or two...
Hello and welcome to BYC
Hope they settle down soon.
yeah sort of, they have the nesting boxes with a wooden partition in the middle but if they come forwards abit then they are together


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