They're getting weird!


11 Years
May 16, 2011
North Pole, Alaska 99705
My 6 week old BBB are getting strange. Several times we've witnesses 2 birds trying to fluff up and strut but they are bumping breasts and trying to wrap their neck around the other's. It's like they are trying to intimidate each other or trying to pick a fight. What's up?
thats what they are doing getting the pecking order started plus they play fight alot set back and watch it can get real funny at times.
They are being turkeys! It's natural for them to do this much like little chicks establishing a pecking order. As long as no blood is drawn I think everything will be ok.
My Narragansetts started doing the same thing last week (they were 6 weeks old then, too). If it looks a bit rough, I try to distract them with mealworms or scrambled eggs. Mine are starting to outgrow their brooder, so diminishing space might be contributing to this, too. I do take them outside daily for exercise and to get my chickens used to them. As soon as they're closer to the same size as the chickens, we'll move them out with them.

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