Thief in the hen house

Dean 2017

Jun 26, 2021
I was in the yard over the weekend and was working around the pool and kept noticing the girls looking into there coop and couldn’t figure out why ?? Well I moved a little closer and to my surprise inside the coop was little chipmunks just having a good old time with my chicken feeders ! I never have seen them in there before and how they are getting in is beside me ? I thought I had the coop pretty tight I guess the wire I used to line the inside of the coop is just big enough for them to squeeze though ?? Lol I guess they won’t do no harm will they ?? They are really cute and funny to watch but they are eating a lot of feed
I've got chipmunks by the dozens... 1/2 HC over every opening, and a HC anti dig apron has kept them out of my coops and runs.
They are so cute the children love to watch them but I am not feeding all the chipmunks in the timber lol plus if they can get in what other critters can get in ??? I was wondering why I was going through so much chicken feed
Chipmunks are much smaller than squirrels. A treadle feeder with a spring loaded door ought to stop four of five of them at a time.

I gotta ask, wire they can slip through? Chicken wire? You know that dogs and a lot of other predators will rip through chicken wire like it was paper? Hardware cloth with stop everything but "Da Bears".

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