Things you've learned while building your coop...

My coop is a small one and the feed and waterer are right inside the door. When you would open the door, some chickens like to dart out and you would have to watch for that while at the same time be taking care of the feed and watering. What I learned and did was to build a guard gate that was tall enough to prevent them from getting out and low enough for you to step over if need be or simply lean over and take care of the duties. This gate is on hinges attached to the door frame so that if you need to open it up and go in you can. Works great!
I have 2. An old fashioned lawn chair hung on a hook so I can pull it down & sit (No poop) and for my son I have 2 five gallon buckets w/ food in. They poop on the top one but I just move it out of the way and the lower one is poop free. He gets the bucket to sit on. (He's younger
I have 2. An old fashioned lawn chair hung on a hook so I can pull it down & sit (No poop) and for my son I have 2 five gallon buckets w/ food in. They poop on the top one but I just move it out of the way and the lower one is poop free. He gets the bucket to sit on. (He's younger

Good idea.. hang the lawn chair.. right now I clear a spot in the hay pile and sit down and keep my fingers crossed I don't have a poopy butt when I get up.. LOL
I have 2. An old fashioned lawn chair hung on a hook so I can pull it down & sit (No poop) and for my son I have 2 five gallon buckets w/ food in. They poop on the top one but I just move it out of the way and the lower one is poop free. He gets the bucket to sit on. (He's younger

Good idea.. hang the lawn chair.. right now I clear a spot in the hay pile and sit down and keep my fingers crossed I don't have a poopy butt when I get up.. LOL

Someone on here suggested a toliet lid. I guess mount it on a chair/bucket and flip it open when you sit down. It sounded better the way they explained it
don't put the door for the chickens out below the roost! or then it won't close right-

no matter how much roosting room they have, they will squish into a huddle!

cost- well we combined it with our porch addition, but i know it is costing more than we expected

time- digging into rock took alot longer, we ended up cementing chainlink into the rock

if there is a way to get out they will meet you at the door...


they were checking out the bird feeder...

these are clickable images-

the hatch is in the floor right below the roost.... so we cover it with a tray at nite
soundl like that works pretty well - but I also need a way to move around the coop without stepping on any of the gang as they surround me, so I use an old lightweight window screen (in an aluminum frame) when I first open the coop I slide it inside the doorway and gently shove everyone back away from the door with it, then place it in the door as a gate while I reach out and grab the food/water etc, then as I move around the coop I use it in front of me, again to keep from stepping on or tripping over them as they crowd around me, mostly it works well, except when I lean it against a wall and they try to roost on the top edge, knock it over and try to squish whoever it lands on...LOL (no harm since it's very light and even with a chicken on top it's still bends around the bottom one... )
**Decide what kind of chickens and how many. THEN build the house before actually getting them and make it bigger than you need. Even if you're getting chicks, build first trust me they grow fast! (plus you'll want more)
Mine is big,,, but i should have built it much bigger, for extra storage space, ive had to build a second storage area just for the feed etc.
SO far we have only slapped together (literally) one coop.....

Things I learned during the process.... Hire a professional and try your hardest to expain to my DH he is NOT tim allen and it will NOT turn out fabulous in the end..... Eventually the chickens moved themselves into the garage due to the coop leaking causing mold issues. They literally packed up and left lol

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