Think I mixed up my chicks


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
My 10 chicks are 3 weeks old. I ordered:
3 brown leghorns
3 Buff Orps
3 Barred Rocks and
1 Jersey Giant.

When they arrived I thought for sure I knew which one was the JG. She stood taller than the others, had much broader shoulders and her legs were grayish black.

Now that we are three weeks in the one I thought was the JG has some barring on her feathers similar to two of the Barred Rocks. Not as much but some.

One of the chicks I thought was a BR has NO barrs on her feathers, is completely black except for a white stripe starting under the chin and running straight down her breast. She has yellow feet.

Can anyone help me figure out who is who????

My Giants last year if I recall correctly have yellow on the bottom of their feet. Sorry I can't locate the picture. Hope this helps.

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