Thinking about ducks


11 Years
Nov 19, 2008
Central New York
My kids and I are thinking about getting a duck or two.
I just want to be sure of a couple things before hand.
Would a duck do well with my dozen chickens? Are there certain breeds that do better?
How often do they lay eggs? Are they like chickens in that way?
How are they in the cold?
Thanks for your help.
I love my Peking ducks. The hubby is not crazy about the girls. Girls Quack and boys are quiet and raspy, not a real quack. The girls will voice their opinion about everything! Unless you handle them all the time they basically do not want much to do with you as far as being handled. I am here in SC and we do not get the long winters like you do but ducks handle cold pretty well from all that I have read. The do need shelter to keep out of wind and rain. I put mine in at night with the chickens. I have read that it is not good to pen ducks, but since all my chickens and ducks free range all day I do not have any problems in that department. As far as chickens and ducks getting along mine seem to be just fine. I did have one male duck that would try and mate with my female chickens. Maybe because he was raised by chickens? Not sure?
They do not have a sphincter so they poo at will, unlike a chicken who will hold it if you are holding them. Hope this helps a little.
As far as laying, they lay as regular as the chickens if not more. But if they free range you will be searching for eggs constantly. Since mine are cooped at night I know exactly where the eggs are. The eggs are large but have a different taste than chicken eggs but are excellent for baking with.
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