Thinking About Introducing LD to the New Kids

Oh, yes, nighttime chatter, sometimes an impromptu party or sumo wrestling match.

And with them in the basement half the year, and with me being a light sleeper when it comes to my critters, yes, I am aware of their nocturnal noises.

These include, of course, the occasional mutterings of Fünf or Sechs as they make up their minds about where to lay their eggs . . . for twenty minutes. And the discussions that go something along the lines of, "move off, I gotta lay my egg." "No. I gotta lay MY egg." "Right now, I mean it." "Go make your own spot." and so forth.

To the untrained ear, this would sound like a series of staccato waks.

Didn't mean to hijack. Love that layout, OldGuy43! And I appreciate your keeping us posted. It was a wild year, 2010, getting the runners and setting up their infrastructure. A real life-changer. Having the ducklings was beautifully intense. Having the ducks is a blessing and a joy.
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Yes, I can imagine with them in the basement you know all the goings-on.

I have loved watching your threads, OldGuy. I agree, Amiga, getting the ducklings was life-changing. I love to watch other people on their journeys who are really appreciating it.

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