Thinking of getting more chickens

Is there a profit in raising pullets? Which breeds would sell best?

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Oct 22, 2019
Hi Chicken Lovers!
I have six chickens and two ducks. I will be moving to an acre and a half after living many years in a small suburban lot. Time to think about getting more chickens!My newest chickens are two Dr Whiting True Blue Egg Layers. Expensive, true blue egg? not. Nice enough personalities but not to bright even for a chicken. It is good that they copy and follow my heritage breeds otherwise I don't think they would survive even in my small suburban fenced in backyard.
I have had only heritage breed before the Dr Whiting True Blue. I have had Buff Orpington, good bird but low on the egg production.Rhode Island Red, nasty so and so. White Plymouth Rock , good bird. Gold lace winged Wyandotte, pretty, little bit aggressive with my ducks. Delaware, big bird medium size egg.

So I was thinking of when I move in the spring of growing and selling pullets. Not sure if there is a profit margin in that idea. But if I have more land I must get more chickens.
Not a lot of money to be made, that's for sure! I have a friend who manages a profit off eggs. He was able to get certified organic, and he can sell his eggs for a premium. He attends farmer's markets, has a web page for his egg "business," and sells them in a local store. He also saves on feed by working with a co-op.

I have chickens because I love chickens. I just give my eggs to friends and neighbors. LOL!

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