Third times the Charm !!!!! Now with PICS

Here are some pics of the Buttons after they moved into the brooder... Sorry only phone pics so not too great...



And a few from my Lone Frizzle Cochin Bantam.. She's sooo cute


OOps Im a lil ditzy sometimes... I meant day 19 they actually went a day over as my temps were a lil low the first few days.. Never go by the lil thermomter you get with your incubator.. mine was off by 5 degrees...
Thanks .. She was sooo cute I just had to get a pic right then.. And that Bator I found in an abandoned barn last year.. I couldnt incubate in it wortha poo but it works great as a hatcher.. I am soo excited these are my first hatches and they are going great.......

Oh BTW My Coturnix starting hatching this morning...
Red&Yellow :

My goodness those buttons are TINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I get a good camera i am going to take photos from the buttons up to the turkeys to show the huge difference in size....​

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