This doesnt look like normal poop


Dec 26, 2015
Sorry wrong thread didnt realize it and i dont know how to delete


Im hoping its intestinal lining but i dont even know if that happens to chicks. In person it doesnt look like looks kinda fatty but my cam sucks :p My chicks are two weeks old and were on medicated chick starter until not too long ago. Now they just have regular chick starter. I did feed them some meal worms a couple times but stopped because i learned that they shouldnt have any treats unless they get grit. I also saw that tinge in one of the cecals. Pls tell me its not cocci T.T but do cause i dont need dead chicks on my forst time having them :(
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The picture isn't clear enough to tell anything.
If you are concerned that it is blood, then treat them with corid for cocci.
Just curious why you don't want to give them grit? Treats such as mealworms, veggies, fruits can be introduced to chicks at that age. If you plan on ever giving them a food other than poultry feed, a chicken will need some sort of grit, whether purchase at the store or small particles of rocks, stones, etc., that they find in nature. Grit in whatever form will be a necessity for them.

If you could post more pics, that would be great. Love to see chicks and your brooder.
That poo is iffy. I would treat with corid just to be on the safe side. Are the eating and drinking fine?

I've heard some people of using sand as grit. I used chick grit which can be found at your local feed store such as Tractor Supply, it's inexpensive and will last a good while, it's made of crushed granite.

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